Release date:2020, April 21

Author:Penny de Byl

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

With this course, you will take understanding step by step, from very basics of creating a simple client/server game environment using Unity’s UNET system right through to creating and managing a lobby system. The topics covered are the ones that most frequently appear on the forums and that many people struggle in understanding. The course is practical. Students of this course will learn about the UNET Network Manager and how to use message sending to synchronise rigid body movement and animation of player characters.

Topics covered include:

1)network configurations

2)IP addresses


4)remote procedure calls

5)syncing rigidbody movement

6)syncing animation states

7)playing with different player-characters

8)changing player-characters while connected

9)setting up the Unity Lobby asset

10)syncing variable values across scenes

11)setting up Unity Match Making services

And all congratulations to you for deeply diving and finishing for future utilizing skills!

003 Understanding Clients and Servers 006 The Network Manager Part 1 007 The Network Manager Part 2 008 How Interpolation Works 009 The Network Transform 010 Setting Up Different Player Starting Positions 011 Attaching the Camera to Players Camera 013 Whos who Adding Names Above the Player Characters 014 Adding Names Part 2 015 Further Customisation Changing Colours Over the Network 017 Syncing Values to a Late Client Connection 018 A Recap of Synchronising Character States around the Network 019 Shooting Bullets Part 1 020 Shooting Bullets Part 2 022 Remote Procedure Calls Demonstration 023 Shooting Bullets Part 3 024 Shooting Bullets Part 4 025 Shooting Bullets Part 5 026 Synching Humanoid Animations 027 Picking a Custom Character Player 028 Registering Callback Functions 029 Selecting a Player Character Before Connecting 030 Changing Player Characters After Connection 031 Customising Across Multiple Characters Part 1 032 Customising Across Multiple Characters Part 2 034 Adding a Lobby to an Existing Networked Game_ 035 Passing Lobby Values to the Game Scene 036 Customising the Lobby 037 Coding the Custom Lobby 038 Matchmaking [Udemy] Unity Networking From Scratch.7z

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