Release date:2016, September 9
Author:Chad Ashley
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
This video needs a bit of a back story. About a week ago Nick and Chris reached out to me and wanted a quick run-through of what Solid Angle’s Arnold renderer was all about. I was going to do a quick vid chat and run them through the basics, then we thought, LETS RECORD AND SHARE IT!
So this video is literally us recording Nick and Chris getting their very first introduction to the Arnold renderer. Let me preface this with the obligatory , “I do not work for Solid Angle, nor am I an expert by any means” statement. I simply enjoy the product as I also enjoy Octane, Physical, etc etc.
As always, if I make any misstatements or you have an easier method for anything covered, please let me know in the comments below. I LOVE getting helpful comments!
Also, before any conclusions get jumped to, know that we here at GSG believe in exploring and learning many different renderers. We believe it is our JOB to bring you the most relevant tools and training. We hope you enjoy this candid introduction to Arnold.
1. IntroToArnold_PartTwoIntro 2. Lights – Light Manager – Coffee Makers 3. Lights – Light Visible Lights and Quad Settings- Spheres 3. Settings – Display Filter Settings – Coffee Makers 4. Settings – Auto TX HDRI Link 5. Settings – Text Overlay – Coffee Makers 6. Textures – C4D Noises – Sphere Displacement 7. Textures – Sheen – Cloth 8. Workflow – C4D Floor Object – Coffee Makers 9. Workflow – Isolate Selected IPR – Lamps Scene Files.7z
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