Release date:2020, July
Author:Nshuti Paulin
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Hi everyone my name is nshuti paulin your trainer in this course I was been creating motion graphics for more than 6 years ‘As part of this course you’ll get downloadable exercise files so you can work along exactly with the trainer. in the course we cover:
Motion Graphics
Exporting your video easily.
Creative Text animation.
Easing and motion blur.
Rendering your video
replacing the screen device
working with shapes
Titles and lowerthird for interviews.
Editing Audio.
Trimming & editing video.
Watermarking your video.
Add a vignette to your video.
working with premiere pro
Green Screen in after effects
Animating infographics
Animating illustrated vectors
Animating waving leaves
in this course, we create a different project with exercise files so you can follow along with all the files I used in this video I will provide the link so you can find other useful files to practice with.
I will be around if you have any question or anything you want me to add to the course please feel free to post it question section so we can discuss on and also I will be ading new lectures in this course every single week to make the course perfect.
If you’ve been excited by the world of motion graphics but still haven’t started. This beginner course is perfect for you.
Enroll in the course I see you in the first lesson
01. Introduction 01. Introduction
02. After effects basic 01. how to get after effects 02. explore after effects 03. after effects short cut 04. start new composition 05. creating solid background 06. importing media 07. adding files in timeline and layer transformation 08. creating different shapes 09. effects and presset
03. animating with keyframes 01. keyframes animation 02. animation tip easy easy 03. animation tip motion blur 04. animation tip graph editor 05. animated city vector introduction 06. separating layers in ilustrator 07. animating city vector 1 08. animating city vector 2 09. animating city vector 3
04. Audio Editing 01. Audio Editing
05. Rendering 01. Rendering gif 02. Rendering adobe media encoder 03. Rendering in render queue
06. working with shapes 01. working with shapes 1 02. working with shapes 2 03. working with shapes 3 04. working with shapes 4
07. lowerthird and watermark 01. watermark 02. text lowerthird 03. social media lowerthird
08. Adobe dynamic link 01. Adobe dynamic link
09. Text animation 01. text animator 1 02. text animator 2 03. text animator 3 04. text animator 4 05. neon text animation 06. write on text animation
10. transition 01. transition
11. infographics and data visualization 01. piechart 1 02. piechart 2 03. world map animation 1 04. world map animation 2
12. creating beautiful background 01. Background 1 02. Background 2 03. Background 3 04. Background 4
13. screen replacement 01. screen replacement 1 02. screen replacement 2
14. green screen 01. green screen in after effects 1 02. green screen in after effects 2 03. green screen in after effects 3
After effects cc – The Complete Motion Graphics Design & VFX – Files.7z After effects cc – The Complete Motion Graphics Design & VFX_Subtitles.7z
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