Release date:2020, July
Author:Sebastián Vargas Molano
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Do you wish to Start Learning Blender 3D? Do you wish to learn about 3D Modeling, Animation, & Rendering, All in One? You’ve come to the right place! Look no Further! And you don’t need to have any previous experience, not even a little bit, and you’ll learn all the ins and outs of 3D Design. It’s my promise to you!
We aim to also make this one of the cheapest courses on the platform. We want you to learn as much as possible. This is about you, not us.
Why should you choose us?
We are porting our already very successful Udemy Blender 3D Course from Spanish to English. It has been featured extensively in the platform for a few years, and it was my wish to bring this knowledge to more of you guys.
And Even Better, we added tons of new content and exercises for you to enjoy! We also made it more compact and most classes go straight to the point.
My Spanish Blender course enjoyed more than 3000 happy students and favorable reviews. I’m sure you will enjoy this one! We have our arms wide open now to reach a whole new audience!
What will we learn here?
Guys, we are going very in depth on this one. Very. I make sure you understand precisely and completely what every button does, where everything is, how to use each tool and why it should be used. We don’t just gloss over things.
To put it simply: I don’t just give you the recipe so you can follow blindly, I teach you how to cook and make sure you can cook on your own. I insist guys, expect a very in depth course of all the features.
The best Primer out there.
You’ll learn how Blender works behind the scenes with our “Concepts” videos
I have a background in Engineering and Computer Graphics. Most 3D Courses focus on the tool and how to use it, but we understand that in order to have a robust understanding in graphics, it’s not enough just using the software. Understanding what goes behind the scenes to make all happen is key. As every new section starts, we introduce a couple of videos of technical concepts first, so you get a clear picture of what makes Blender tick. Don’t worry, they are easily understandable and you’ll be surprised on what you can learn.
You are being taught by a Blender Certified Professional
I have a been Certified on the Blender Network as an Academic Professional for a few years now. I’ve used this to teach Blender and 3D Design all over Latin America. Now I bring this knowledge to you.
01. Introduction 01. Welcome! 02. Downloading and Installing Blender 03. Installing Blender for MacOS
02. Blender Basics 01. Blender Interface Pt. 1 02. Blender Interface Pt. 2 Modularity 03. Blender Interface Pt. 3 04. Moving in the Viewport 05. Moving in the Viewport Pt. 2 06. Understanding Transformations 07. Understanding Transformations Pt. 2 08. Addind Objects To the Scene 09. Understanding the 3D Cursor 10. Duplicating and Selecting Objects 11. Focusing the Viewport on an Object 12. Types of Views in the Viewport 13. Concepts Perspective VS Orthographic views 14. Viewport Shading Types 15. Shade Flat and Shade Smooth 16. The Origin of the Geometry 17. Understanding The Camera 18. Understanding Collections 19. Looking at the Blender Preferences 20. A Summary of Blenders Basics
03. 3D Modeling Fundamentals 01. Concepts Understanding 3D Geometry 02. Edit Mode 03. Concepts What is a Normal Vector 04. Normal Vectors In Blender 05. Concepts Creating your own OBJ 06. Loop Cuts 07. Subdivide Surfaces 08. Proportional Editing 09. Snap Tool 10. Delete Duplicated Vertices 11. Transform Orientations 12. Extrude Faces 13. Viewport Shading for Modeling 14. Creating Faces 15. All the Modeling Tools! 16. Parenting Objects 17. Joining and Separating Objects 18. Modifier Subdivision Surface
04. 3D Modeling Exercise 01. What will we do 02. Adding Reference Images 03. Modeling Exercise Pt. 1 04. Modeling Exercise Pt. 2 05. Modeling Exercise Pt. 3 06. Modeling Exercise Pt. 4 07. Modeling Exercise Pt. 5 08. Modeling Exercise Pt. 6 09. Modeling Exercise Pt. 7 10. We are Done! 11. Extras Using Curves for Modeling 12. Extra Some More Modifiers for Modeling 13. Extra 3D Sculpting Tools 14. DIY 3D Modeling Project
05. 3D Animation Fundamentals 01. Concepts Frames Per Second 02. Concepts KeyFrames and In-Betweens 03. Concepts 12 Principles of Animation 04. Concepts Simple Drawn Animation Exercise 05. Concepts Curves of Animation 06. Graph Editor Pt. 1 07. Graph Editor Pt. 2 08. Graph Editor Pt. 3 09. Graph Editor Pt. 4 10. Blocking, Splining and Polish 11. Bouncing Ball Pt. 1 12. Bouncing Ball Pt. 2 13. Pose Mode
06. 3D Animation Excercise 01. Animation Exercise Pt. 1 02. Animation Exercise Pt. 2 03. Animation Exercise Pt. 3 04. Animation Exercise Pt. 4 05. Animation Exercise Pt. 5 06. Generating a Preview Video 07. The Dope Sheet for Animation 08. Creating more than one Animation Action Editor 09. Animating Parameters 10. Shape Keys
07. 3D Animation – Physics Simulation 01. Concepts Solving the Equations of Motion 02. Rigid Bodies Pt. 1 03. Rigid Bodies Pt. 2 Apply Transformations 04. Rigid Bodies Pt. 3 05. Bowling Simulation With Rigid Bodies Pt. 1 06. Bowling Simulation With Rigid Bodies Pt. 2 07. Wrecking Ball Simulation Pt. 1 08. Wrecking Ball Simulation Pt. 2 09. Force Fields 10. Soft Bodies 11. Cloth Physics Pt. 1 12. Cloth Physics Pt. 2 13. Cloth Physics Pt. 3 14. Fluid Simulation Pt. 1 15. Fluid Simulation Pt. 2 16. Editing Video With Resolve 17. DIY ANIMATION EXERCISE 18. Particle Systems Pt. 1 19. Particle Systems Pt. 2 20. Particle Systems Pt. 3
08. Introduction to Rigging and Armatures 01. Adding Bones 02. Forward Kinematics and Weights 03. Inverse Kinematics and Custom Shapes 04. Setting Up The Base Hiding Bones 05. Rough Overview Rigging the Robot Pt. 1 06. Rough Overview Rigging the Robot Pt. 2
09. 3D Rendering, Lighting, Textures, UV Mapping and Materials 01. Concepts How a Computer does Lighting 02. Concepts Cycles VS EEVEE 03. Enabling your GPU in Blender 04. Concepts RayTracing 05. Cycles Viewport Shading 06. Cycles Intro 07. Cycles Samples and Tile Size 08. Cycles Types of Lights 09. Cycles Indoor Lighting 10. Cycles Render Denoising 11. Cycles Indoor Daytime Lighting 12. Cycles Indoor Sunset Night Lighting 13. Cycles Indoor Artificial Lighting 14. 3 Point Light SetUp 15. Materials Pt. 1 16. Materials Pt. 2 17. Principled Material Node 18. Applying Materials To Different Faces 19. Using HDRIs for Rendering 20. Rotating HDRIs with Nodes 21. Camera Focus 22. Cycles Volumetric Lighting 23. Concepts UV Mapping Texturing 24. UV Mapping and Image Texturing 25. Grid Textures and Material preview 26. UV Unwrap and Reset 27. Smart UV Projection 28. UV Cube Projection 29. UC Cylinder and Sphere Projection 30. UV Project from View 31. Creating UVs by Hand Pt. 1 32. Creating UVs by Hand Pt. 2 33. Painting Textures Outside of Blender 34. Painting Textures Inside of Blender 35. Concepts Normal Maps 36. Normal Maps and Color Textures 37. PBR Materials Pt. 1 38. PBR Materials Pt. 2 39. PBR Materials Pt. 3 40. PBR Materials Pt. 4 41. Adding Height Maps Manually 42. PBR Materials Summary 43. EEVEE Introduction 44. EEVEE Understanding Shadows 45. EEVEE Materials Camera Focus 46. EEVEE Reflections 47. EEVEE All Cycles Materials Work! 48. EEVEE Indirect Lighting 49. EEVEE Volumetric Lighting 50. Baking Textures 51. Cycles Hair and Fur 52. EEVEE Hair and Fur
10. 3D Rendering Exercise 01. Logging into Quixel 02. Adding the Ground 03. Adding the HDRI 04. Setting up the Scene Pt. 1 05. Setting up the Scene Pt. 2 06. Setting up the Scene Pt. 3 07. Fixing EEVEE Issues 08. Rendering a Video Sequence 09. DIY RENDERING PROJECT
11. Extra Training 01. Adding a 3D Object into a photo Pt. 1 02. Adding a 3D Object into a photo Pt. 2 03. Adding a 3D Object into a photo Pt. 3 04. Adding a 3D Object into a photo Pt. 4 05. Adding a 3D Object into a photo Pt. 5 06. Adding a 3D Object into a photo Pt. 6 07. 3D Texture Projection Pt. 1 08. 3D Texture Projection Pt. 2 09. 3D Texture Projection Pt. 3 10. Camera Tracking Pt. 1 10.1 TrackingOriginalCut 11. Camera Tracking Pt. 2 12. Camera Tracking Pt. 3
The 2020 Blender Primer Subtitles.7z The 2020 Blender Primer Files.7z
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