Release date:2019, December 18
Author:Aaron F. Ross
Skill level:Intermediate
Exercise files:Yes
Arnold is the high-quality rendering engine in Maya. Realistic rendering in Maya is easier than ever with this brute force Monte Carlo ray tracer. The physically based rendering in Arnold accurately simulates light in the real world, but allows breaking physical laws to achieve artistic styles. This course is an overview of essential features for lighting, materials, and rendering in Maya using Arnold core version 6.
This course was created by Aaron F. Ross. We are pleased to offer this training in our library.
Topics include:
Arnold rendering concepts
Lighting with Maya and Arnold lights
Controlling exposure
Light attenuation with Decay
Image-based lighting with Skydome
Exterior daylight with Physical Sky
Arnold Standard Surface material attributes
Mapping material attributes
Rendering refractions
Mesh subdivision and displacement at render time
Shading effects such as Ambient Occlusion and Vertex Color
Camera effects such as Fisheye and Depth of Field
Animation image sequence rendering00 Introduction 01 Rendering in Maya with Arnold 6 02 Using the exercise files 03 Updating the Arnold plugin
01 Concepts 01 Prerequisites- what you need to know 02 Introducing Arnold 03 Arnold rendering concepts
02 Processing and interactivity 01 Arnold viewport rendering 02 Using the Arnold RenderView 03 Interacting with the scene in the RenderView 04 Analyzing renderings in the RenderView 05 Saving RenderView snapshots and files 06 Tuning sampling quality 07 Controlling global illumination ray depth 08 Rendering on the GPU
03 Environment Lighting 01 Creating an aiSkyDomeLight 02 Image-based lighting with aiSkyDomeLight 03 Daylighting with Physical Sky 04 Setting color temperature of an environment 05 Using multiple skydome lights 06 Improving light samples 07 Improving skydome interiors with light portals
04 Studio Lighting 01 Creating a Maya area light 02 Setting area light attributes 03 Creating an Arnold disk area light 04 Rendering self-illuminated surfaces 05 Setting shape node Arnold attributes 06 Using area lights for suffuse light through windows 07 Using area lights for suffuse light through windows 08 Creating a directional light 09 Art directing sunlight with a directional light 10 Adjusting attributes of duplicate spot lights 11 Focusing lens radius for a collimated beam
05 Materials and Mapping 01 Creating an aiStandardSurface material 02 Base color and specular roughness 03 Texture mapping with bitmap files 04 Rendering metallic surfaces with Metalness 05 Masking geometry with an opacity map 06 Transparency and refraction with transmission 07 Tinting transparency with transmission depth 08 Shading with ambient occlusion 09 Building an Arnold shading network 10 Rendering vertex color with aiUserDataColor
06 Cameras 01 Controlling camera exposure 02 White balance with camera filtermap 03 Lens distortion with fisheye camera 04 Rendering a spherical panorama 05 Rendering bokeh with depth of field 06 Rendering bokeh with depth of field
07 Rendering 01 Optimizing render times with adaptive sampling 02 Rendering an image sequence 03 Test rendering with aiUtility shader 04 Smooth mesh subdivision at render time 05 Deform a surface with a displacement shader 06 Optimizing subdivision in 2D raster space 07 Optimizing subdivision with frustum culling 08 Atmospheric perspective with aiFog
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