Release date:2020, December Team

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Learn to build beautiful Virtual Reality experiences. This course, created in collaboration with Epic Games, teaches you everything you need to know to build your very own VR apps and games in the world class Unreal Engine.

Unreal is a massively powerful game engine that puts performance and graphics first. It includes industry-grade VR tools that power some of the best high-end experiences on the market such as Robo Recall. That’s why Unreal is the perfect tool to create your own VR experiences.

Virtual Reality is being used to develop apps and experiences for a broad range of industries beyond games. You can do Architectural Visualisation by walking around a building before it is built. You can sketch and sculpt car designs directly in 3D without a modeller. And of, course, you can play games in a completely different way.

But Unreal being as powerful as it is and VR, so new, it can be hard to know where to start. This course makes understanding Unreal VR super easy. Not only do we show you how to use the engine’s VR features, but we teach you the fundamental concepts of VR development. By teaching you the fundamentals, we will put you ahead in the rapidly developing VR space.

Looking for other Unreal content such as multiplayer, or a beginner course? Check out our other Unreal Engine tutorials, just follow the green leaf logo.

This course is aimed at beginner to intermediate Unreal users with some knowledge of C++. Not too confident? Don’t worry, the course will take you through everything step by step and give you plenty of practice to build up that confidence with coding.

01. Architecture Explorer 01. Course Promo 02. Welcome And Course Orientation 04. Getting Into VR 05. Movement Section Overview 06. Basic Controller Movement 07. Importing An ArchViz Environment 09. Playspace Movement and Colliders 10. What Is VR Sickness 11. Line Tracing A Teleport Destination 12. Importing And Using Materials 13. Fades, Timers and Teleporting 15. Projecting Onto The NavMesh 16. PostProcessing Materials 17. Dynamic Material Instances 18. Adjusting Radius With A Curve 19. Creating Tunnel Vision 21. Hand Controller Components 22. Parabolic Teleport Pointer 23. Using A USplineComponent 24. Dynamically Constructing UObjects 25. Deforming Meshes With Splines 28. Extracting A Hand Controller Actor 29. Querying Overlapping Actors 30. Haptic Feedback Effects 31. Climbing Motion 32. Climbing Motion Part 2 34. End Of Section Review

02. Light Painter 01. User Interface Section Introduction 02. Creating A VR Pawn Setup 03. Binding Actions To Motion Controllers 04. 3D Painting With Spline Meshes 05. Frame Rate In VR 06. Performance Bottlenecks 08. Performance Optimisation 09. Reducing DrawCalls With Instancing 10. Rotating & Scaling Stroke Meshes 11. Instanced Mesh Materials 12. Saving Game State 14. Loading A SaveGame 15. Serialising The Game State 16. Serialising Actors To Structs 17. Renaming C++ Base Classes 18. Introduction To Vector Design 20. Understanding Good VR Design 21. Designing User Interface For VR 22. Ergonomic 3D UI Layout In Unreal 23. UI Widget Interaction In 3D 24. Converting A Design To UMG – Part 1 26. Converting A Design To UMG – Part 2 27. Converting A Design To UMG – Part 3 28. Binding UPROPERTY to UMG 29. Spawning Widgets In C++ 30. Converting PaintingPicker to C++ 31. Naming Each Slot Uniquely 33. Iterating Over All SaveGames 34. Populating The Game List UI 35. Binding Text Widgets To C++ 36. Setting TextBlock Content From C++ 37. Button Actions And Splash Screens 38. Parsing Level Options In GameMode 40. Loading Save Games In GameMode 41. Handling Saving In GameMode 42. Initialize – BeginPlay For Widgets 43. Hooking Up The Add Functionality 44. Clearing Children of UPanelWidget 46. Connecting a LeftHandController 47. Adding Menus To Hand Controllers 48. Overriding a Scene Component 49. Refactoring SaveAndQuit 50. Create a Pagination Dot Widget 52. Spawning a Pagination Dot 53. Editing UPanelSlot in C++ 54. Transparent Widgets In The World 55. Calculating Number Of Pages 57. Refreshing The Pagination State 58. Latching an Analogue Input 59. Moving Between Pages 60. Updating The Pages 61. How To Become A VR Master

[Udemy] Unreal VR Dev Make VR Experiences with Unreal Engine in C++_Subtitles.7z [Udemy] Unreal VR Dev Make VR Experiences with Unreal Engine in C++.7z

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