Release date:2021

Author:Athanasios Pozantzis

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

In this on-going series, I will be modelling and UV unwrapping various Pack Designs from the “PACKAGING & DIELINES, THE DESIGNER’S BOOK OF PACKAGING DIELINES, Volumes 1 & 2”.

In the process, we will learn how to tackle various challenging pack designs, and help you build a skill-set that will allow you to take-on any 3D packaging project.

01 Introduction 02 Loading a Specific Design from the PDF 03 Analyzing and Cleaning-up the Vector Dieline Artwork 04 Importing the Paths in C4D and Creating the Main Pack Faces 05 Constructing the Pack Shell using Snapping and Axis Placement 06 Stitch up the Shell to Create the Outer Pack Model 07 Adding Rounding (Bevel) to the Pack 08 Adding Thickness to the Pack 09 Preparing the Artwork for the Package Cap 10 Modeling the Pack Cap – Part 1. Creating the Paper Gaps 11 Modeling the Pack Cap – Part 2. Adding Thickness 12 Modeling the Pack Cap – Part 3. Adding Rounding 13 Placing the Cap on the 3D Pack Design 14 Analyzing how to UV Unwrap the 3D Pack 15 UV Unwrapping the Main Pack 16 Preparing and Placing Test Artwork on the Pack 17 Adding Bulging to the 3D Pack Design 18 Setting up a Quick Studio Shot of the Pack N-Gons, Knife Cutting Tools and How to Avoid Triangulation issues

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