Release date:2021
Author:Reuben Lara
Skill level:Intermediate
Exercise files:Not Provided
If you’re like me, you started your drawing career with only a vague understanding of how drawing in perspective works. Then, you spent then next several years avoiding the topic, hoping that one day you would wake up enlightened. Since that never happened, you keep dodging the following questions:
Which perspective grid should I be using?
When should I use 1, 2 and 3-point perspective?
Where do I put the horizon line?
What happens when objects rotate off-grid?
How do I set up a wide vs. narrow angle drawing?
How am I supposed to draw people on the grid?
Why does it have to be so complicated?
And finally:Why don’t my drawings look good?
In this course, I go over 4 incredibly important pro tips you may not have understood yet that will fill in the missing pieces. With a little bit of practice, I know you’ll lose any lingering fear of the perspective grid and you’ll start to wield it like the pros do.You’ll learn how to:
…extract a perspective grid from a photo
…start using a picture plane
…create wide and narrow angle scenes…on purpose
…use random photos as the basis for any sketch
…start imagining a perspective grid in your mind while you’re sketching
…use cubes to map out where to draw figures in your scene
…not be confused when an object rotates off-grid
…feel good about yourself while you’re drawing1、登录后,打赏30元成为VIP会员,全站资源免费获取!
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