Release date:2021
Author:Kurt Michael Russell
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
A Pro’s Guide to Coloring with CLIP STUDIO PAINT is designed to teach you how to take advantage of this amazing app to add color to line art drawings. Each tool used and each stage of the process is broken down into lessons, so that you can easily follow along using methods I’ve honed over years working as a comic book colorist. These techniques can be used in almost any art style — not just comics by the way.
Lessons are full of tips, tricks, and shortcuts from the basics of setting up layers and preparing line art to functions such as masking and correction layers. You’ll be taken through all of the important program settings, how to setup up a line drawing, adding the base colors, adding light and shadow in a variety of ways, and how to use CLIP STUDIO PAINT’s tools and functions in a mix of creative ways.
The method I’m teaching for adding light and shadow can be used in any lighting scenario, so you’ll be able to take what you’ve learned in this course and apply it to your own art. I’ve also included my version of the finished exercise with all of the layers intact, so you can see exactly which colors I’m picking and how all of the layers work together to create one cohesive piece of art!
01. Promo 02. Introduction 03. Setting up your workspace 04. Opening & installing the resources 05. Basic color terms well use 06. Importing and preparing line art 07. How to get around the canvas 08. Picking colors from the canvas 09. How to adjust colors quickly 10. How to select with the lasso 11. Other selection tools well use 12. How to make quick selections with Autoselect 13. Adding color to your selections 14. How to flat base colors manually 15. How to use the automatic selection tools 16. How to use the painting tools 17. A quick way to change your brush size 18. Shadows – part 1 19. Shadows – part 2 20. Shadows – part 3 + ambient occlusion 21. Highlights – part 1 22. Highlights – part 2 23. Secondary highlights 24. Subsurface scattering 25. How to add special effects 26. How to use layer masks for editing 27. How to use correction layers for adjustments 28. How to export your work for web & print 29. How to use the gradient & eraser 30. How to use the filters 31. Auto actions + Quick access setting 32. Selection workflow for pro colorists 33. Layer palette options 34. Conclusion
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