Release date:2021
Author:Digital Art HQ School
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Learning sculpting in zBrush can be very time-consuming and confusing when doing it by yourself. I want to make the learning process easy for you, going through all the fundamentals and concepts of sculpting in very detailed videos.
In this course, we will create a character bust from A to Z. From planning the model to analyzing references and developing the model.
We will work on a character model from scratch, to make sure that after finishing this course, you’ll have the knowledge required to solve stylized characters presented to you.
You’ll learn tips and shortcuts that will accelerate your workflow and make you understand the fundamentals of 3D Sculpting.
1. Section 1 1. Course Landing Video 2. Welcome to the course! 3. 1
2. Section 2 1. Setting Up Pt. 1 2. Setting Up Pt. 2 3. Setting Up Pt. 3 4. Setting Up Pt. 4 5. Setting Up Pt. 5 6. Setting Up Pt. 6 7. Setting Up Pt. 7
3. Section 3 1. Sculpting Pt. 1 2. Sculpting Pt. 2 3. Sculpting Pt. 3
4. Section 4 1. Polish Pt. 1 2. Polish Pt. 2
5. Section 5 1. Hair Pt. 1 2. Hair Pt. 2 3. Hair Pt. 3 4. Hair Pt. 4 5. Hair Pt. 5 6. Hair Pt. 6 7. Hair Pt. 7
6. Section 6 1. Expression And Cloth Pt. 1 2. Expression And Cloth Pt. 2 3. Expression And Cloth Pt. 3 4. Expression And Cloth Pt. 4 5. Congratulations!
[Udemy] Stylized sculpting from real life references in zBrush_Subtitles.7z
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