Release date:2016, September 15

Author:Patrick W. Crawford

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Make Blender better by harnessing the power of Python. Whether you’re an artist or a developer, scripting is a great selling point to add to your resume. Once you master the basics, you can automate time-consuming modeling and animation tasks, customize the Blender interface, or even package to share or sell your enhancements to other users. Patrick W. Crawford shows how to use Blender’s built-in Python console window and the bpy library to create simple one-line scripts, create custom panels and menus, and build and package add-ons. These techniques will take your Blender skills to the next level and help you enter an exciting new world of Python programming.

Topics include:

Controlling Blender with code

Exploring the bpy library

Creating Blender operators and properties

Writing scripts

Auto running scripts

Drawing interface elements such as panels and menus

Building a custom add-on

001 Welcome 002 What you should already know 003 Using the exercise files 004 Set up Blender and the console window 005 Use the Python console and script editor 006 Importing and exploring bpy 007 Whats a Blender operator 008 Whats a Blender property 009 Developer tooltips and the info window 010 Diving further into context and data 011 Challenge – Create a simple script 012 Solution – Create a simple script 013 Write scripts and use templates 014 Great coders steal 015 Auto running scripts 016 How to use and avoid the text editor 017 Panels and menus introduction 018 Panel structure 019 Draw elements 020 Using the built-in templates, dissect example panel 021 Append to existing panels 022 Example menu structure 023 Challenge – Create a panel layout 024 Solution – Create a panel layout 025 Whats an add-on_ 026 What our add-on will do 027 Building the add-on framework 028 Creating an operator framework 029 Creating redo-last properties 030 Appending to a menu 031 Fnishing and publishing your add-on 032 Challenge – Create another operator 033 Solution – Create another operator 034 Next steps


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