Release date:2021
Author:fRigging Awesome Studios
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
A complete guide to the workflows and skills required to create and work in a fully-featured character simulation pipeline, either personally or at major animation and FX studios.
Presented by Disney, Dreamworks and Blue Sky char sim artist Josh Sobel. Animation project files courtesy of Nick Kondo.
• Watch a full overview of industry-proven production pipelines.
• Learn to create sim rigs via both reference swap and cache-based methods.
• Learn to create nCloth setups for a dress and polygon hair, and an nHair setup for a necklace.
• Learn shot finaling / tech anim techniques.
• Learn demo reel tips to help you land a job quickly.
• Jumpstart your career by focusing on a skillset with far less competition than animation or rigging!
Moderate experience with Autodesk Maya is recommended.
Maya 2017+ is recommended when using the project files.
01. Your Future In Character Simulation 02. Getting Started 03. nCloth Basics 04. nHair Basics 05. Creating An Animation Test 06. Creating Simulation Meshes 07. Understanding Simulation Rigs 08. Creating a Simulation Rig – Part 1 09. Creating a Simulation Rig – Part 2 10. Shot Simulation 11. Shot Finaling 12. Advanced_ Cache-Based Simulation Rigs 13. Demo Reel Tips
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