Release date:2021

Author:Renee Chio

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Watch This Course and Learn:

How to find great reference photos (Clue: We’re not talking icky stock photos here)

How to explore your ideas through thumbnail sketches

How to paint skin tones, flowing locks, and dazzling eyes

How to enhance your portrait painting with lighting effects and other professional finishing touches

01 – Introduction 02 – Choosing Reference Photos 03 – Creating a Rough Sketch 04 – Defining Form With a Polished Sketch 05 – Applying Base Tones 06 – Lighting Your Portrait Pt1 07 – Lighting Your Portrait Pt2 08 – Lighting Your Portrait Pt3 09 – Lighting Your Portrait Pt4 10 – Painting Skin Pt1 – A 11 – Painting Skin Pt1 – B 12 – Painting Skin Pt1 – C 13 – Painting Skin Tones Pt1 14 – Painting Skin Tones Pt2 4 15 – Painting The Eyes Pt1 16 – Painting The Eyes Pt2 17 – Painting The Hair Pt1 – A 18 – Painting The Hair Pt1 – B 19 – Painting The Hair Pt2 20 – Painting The Hair Pt3 – A 21 – Painting The Hair Pt3 – B 22 – Painting The 4 23 – Painting The Hair Pt4 – B 24 – Final Color Adjustments Pt1 25 – Final Color Adjustments Pt2 26 – Final Color Adjustments Pt3

[Pencil Kings] Stylized Portrait Painting in Photoshop Project.7z

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