Release date:2021, February 17

Author:Render Craft, Dino Bandzovic

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

The course is project-based, so you will applying your new skills immediately to real projects. You will get all the references and resources – so you’ll never get stuck. At the end of every section, you will have an exercise to test your knowledge and by finishing the course, you will already have 30+ projects that you can immediately include in your portfolio.

The Instructor is qualified and experienced with modeling and animation, so is able to explain complex concepts clearly, as well as entertain along the way. The instructor has a passion for art, teaching, and helping students to not only learn but have a fun experience while doing so. By the end of the course, you’ll be confident in the 3D modeling, animation, and rendering, and hungry to learn more.

01. Create A 3D Model Of BMO From Adventure Time 01. Create A 3D Model Of BMO From Adventure Time 02. Modeling The Body 02. Modeling The Body.mp4.vtx 03. Making A Body Slots 04. Adding Buttons To The Character 05. Adding Arms And Legs 06. Applying The Materials 07. Compositing Final Render 08. Final Render Settings

02. Create A Skateboard Animation 01. Create A Skateboard Animation 02. Skateboard Modeling 03. Camera And Background 04. Particle Systems For Creating a Background 05. Skate Animation 06. Camera And Light Animation 07. Final Render Settings

03. Modeling Kenny From South Park 01. Modeling Kenny From South Park 02. Modeling The Head 03. Eyes And Face 04. Creating A Body, Arms And Hands 05. Pants And Small Details 06. Applying The Materials 07. Creating The Scene And Final Render Settings

04. Creating Interesting Animation 01. Creating Interesting Animation 02. Setting Up Blender 03. Adding The Objects 04. Adding Small Objects 05. Animating Part 1 06. Animating Part 2 07. Animating Part 3 08. Final Settings And Render

05. Learn How To Create A Stylized Character 01. Learn How To Create A Stylized Character 02. Creating Saxophone Body 03. Legs And Inner Parts 04. Adding Arms 05. Modeling Shoes 06. Characters Hands 07. Eyes And Nose 08. Character Details Part 1 09. Character Details Part 2 10. Applying Materials 11. Final Render Settings

06. Create A 3D Burger Model 01. Create A 3D Burger Model 02. Importing References And Modeling Buns 03. Meat Modeling With Displace Modifier 04. Adding Cheese With Cloth Simulation 05. Deforming Mesh 06. Proportional Editing For Salad 07. Particle Systems For Seeds 08. Lights 09. Adding Materials And Final Render Settings

07. Create Easy And Fun Character Animations 01. Create Easy And Fun Character Animations 02. How To Use SVG Files 03. Character Head And Body 04. Character Legs Posing 05. Modeling Shoes 06. Creating And Posing Arms 07. Placing Hands And Phone 08. Animating The Scene 09. Particle System, Materials And Final Render Settings

08. Create A Basketball Court 01. Create A Basketball Court 02. Importing Basketball Court Image Textures 03. Basket Rim And Panel 04. Making Basketball Net 05. Basket Base And Bench 06. Court Fence Modeling 07. Street Lamps 08. Final Render Settings And Animation

09. Create A Radio Animation 01. Create A Radio Animation 02. Modeling Base Of The Radio Part 1 03. Modeling Base Of The Radio Part 2 04. Cassette Door And Details 05. Cassette Creation 06. Applying Materials 07. Animation And Final Render Settings

10. Create A Retro Moped 01. Create A Retro Moped 02. Importing Reference Images And Modeling Tires 03. Front Light And Handlebars 04. Tire Parts And Connecting Wheel 05. Front Body Part Modeling 06. Back Part And Handbreaks 07. Seat Modeling 08. Modeling Final Details 09. Applying HDRI And Materials 10. Final Render Settings

11. Ice Cream Popsicle Modeling & Animation 01. Ice Cream Popsicle Modeling & Animation 02. Modeling Popsicle 03. Body Creation With Face 04. Face Details 05. Rigging And Weight Painting 06. Animation 07. Applying Materials And HDR 08. Final Render Settings And Compositing

12. Pizza Slice Character Rigging And Animation With Blender 01. Pizza Slice Character Rigging And Animation With Blender 02. Modeling The Shape Of Pizza Slice 03. Adding Cheese, Eyes, And Mouth 04. Creating Face Details 05. Modeling Legs And Arms 06. Rigging Part 1 07. Rigging Part 2 08. Animation 09. Final Render Settings

13. Make A 3D Kraftwerk Illustration 01. Make A 3D Kraftwerk Illustration 02. Adding Base 03. Creating A Face Details 04. Adding Platform 05. Creating Arms For Character 06. Materials 07. Final Render Settings

14. Create A Toaster Animation 01. Create A Toaster Animation 02. Modeling The Base Of The Toaster 03. Adding Details To The Toster 04. Toast Modeling 05. Adding Materials 06. Animation Part 1 07. Animation Part 2 And Final Render Settings

15. Learn How To Create A 3D Zeppelin 01. Learn How To Create A 3D Zeppelin 02. Modeling The Base Of Zeppelin 03. Modeling The Rudders 04. Creating A Cabin 05. Finishing Modeling 06. Importing HDR, Applying Materials And Final Render Settings

16. Create The Solar System Animation For 3D Anaglyph Glasses 01. Create The Solar System Animation For 3D Anaglyph Glasses 02. Finding Textures And Importing HDR 03. Creating The Sun 04. All Planets 05. Saturn Rings And Rocks 06. Animating The Solar System 07. Animating The Solar System

17. Create A Dead Pencil 3D Illustration 01. Create A Dead Pencil 3D Illustration 02. Making Pencil Body 03. Modeling Arms And Hands 04. Rigging The Body 05. Making A Pose 06. Applying Materials And Adding A Face 07. Adding Background Material And Final Render Settiings

18. Let’s Create 3D Cuphead Character 01. Lets Create 3D Cuphead Character 02. Modeling The Cup 03. Adding Face Details 04. Modeling The Body And The Straw 05. Creating The Shoes 06. Modeling The Hands 07. Posing The Character 08. Final Render Settings

19. Introduction To Blender Animation 01. Introduction To Blender Animation 02. Getting Started 03. Animation Timeline 04. Auto Keyframes 05. Dope Sheet 06. Graph Editor 07. Animating The Camera 08. Rigging And Shape Keys 09. Particle System 10. Character Animation

20. Animating And Modeling A Retro Camera 01. Animating And Modeling A Retro Camera 02. Adding Reference Images And Modeling The Front 03. Adding Buttons 04. Lenses And Details 05. Modeling The Back And Rest Of Model 06. Applying Materials 07. Animation And Final Render Settings

21. Creating A Snow Globe 01. Creating A Snow Globe 02. Adding The Base 03. Adding The Roof 04. Modeling Front Of The House And Details 05. Modeling Front Of The House And 06. Creating A Fence And Chimney 07. Creating A Snow Globe And Text 08. Landscape 09. Applying Materials And Final Render Settings

22. Creating A Simple and Easy 3D Character With Blender 01. Creating A Simple and Easy 3D Character With Blender 02. Modeling The Head And Glasses 03. Hair With Metaballs 04. Adding Collar And Body 05. Creating Legs And Arms With Curves 06. Modeling Shoes And Hands 07. Small Details And Adjusting 08. Final Render Settings And Materials

23. Create A 3D Dumb Ways To Die Characters Using Blender 01. Create A 3D Dumb Ways To Die Characters Using Blender 02. First Character Reference Image And Modeling Body 03. First Character Snake And Final Details 04. Second Character Body Modeling 05. Second Character Details With Metaballs And Materials 06. Third Character Particle System 07. Final Render Settings

24. Let’s Create A 3D Character Bomberman 01. Lets Create A 3D Character Bomberman 02. Adding Reference Images And Model The Head 03. Adding Face Details 04. Body Parts Modeling 05. Shoes And Belt Buckle 06. Adding Bomb And Platform 07. Adding Materials, Lightning Up The Scene And Camera Settings 08. Compositing And Final Render Settings

25. Easy Alarm Clock Animation 01. Easy Alarm Clock Animation 02. Alarm Clock Body 03. Clock Details 04. Adding The Text 05. Modeling The Mouse Cursor 06. Animation Part 1 07. Animation Part 2 08. Applying Materials And Final Render Settings

26. Let’s Create a 3D Power Puff girls 01. Lets Create a 3D Power Puff girls 02. Adding Reference Images 03. Adding Legs And Arms 04. Adding The Materials 05. Adding Face Texture And Materials 06. Bubbles Girl Hairstyle 07. Buttercup Girl Haristyle 08. Blossom Girl Hairstyle And Final Render Settings

27. Make A Loop Animation With A 3D Icons 01. Make A Loop Animation With A 3D Icons 02. Modeling Out A 3d Icons 03. SVG To Blender 04. Icons Floating Animation 05. Finishing The Animation 06. HDRI,Materials,Compositing And Final Render Settings

28. Make a 3D Guitar Animation 01. Make a 3D Guitar Animation 02. Creating The Body Of Guitar 03. Adding The Neck And The Buttons 04. Creating A Small Details And Adjustments 05. Adding Strings For Guitar And Cable 06. Camera And Strings Animation 07. HDRI,Materials And Final Render Settings

29. Creating And Animating A 3D Disney Character 01. Creating And Animating A 3D Disney Character 02. Adding The Reference Images And Modeling Base of The Head 03. Modeling The Nose and The Ears 04. Creating Goofys Hat And Base Of The Body 05. Modeling Arms and Legs 06. Goofys Shoes 07. Creating The Vest 08. Modeing The Hands 09. Adding Details To The Character 10. Materials And Texture Painting For The Head 11. Animation And Final Render Settings

30. Create A 3D Cartoon City Easy 01. Create A 3D Cartoon City Easy 02. Creating A New Collection And First Buildings 03. Modeling Other Buildings 04. Creating A Particle System 05. Adding Details 06. Density Of Particles And Settings 07. Applying The Materials Part 1 08. Applying The Materials Part 2 And Final Render Settings

31. Creating A 3D Arnold Cartoon Character 01. Creating A 3D Arnold Cartoon Character 02. Importing Reference Image and Modeling The Head 03. Creating A Hair And Small Hat 04. Adding Top Part Of The Body 05. Modeling Hands 06. Modeling Shirt, Legs And Shoes 07. Final Modeling adjustments And Mixamo 08. HDRI,Materials Texture Painting And Final Render Settings

32. Create a Futurama Character 01. Create a Futurama Character 02. Importing Reference Image And Modeling Part 1 03. Modeling Part 2 04. Applying The Materials To The Character 05. Rigging The Character 06. Creating A Pose 07. Animating A Walking Cycle 08. Animating A Running Cycle

33. Plane Animation 01. Plane Animation 02. Importing reference images and modeling part 1 03. Finishing the modeling 04. Materials and Lighting up the scene with HDRI 05. Propeler animation 06. Animating the plane 07. Animating the camera and final render settings

34. Create A Low-Poly Sky Island 01. Create A Low-Poly Sky Island 02. Main Island 03. Small Islands 04. Windmill 05. Rocks 06. Lighthouse 07. Trees and stones 08. Gear wheels and grass 09. Camera animation and render

35. Creating A 3D Game Character Bendy 01. Creating A 3D Game Character Bendy 02. Adding Reference Images And Modeling The Head 03. Creating A Torso And Bowtie 04. Modeling The Gloves 05. Rigging And Posing Gloves 06. Adding Legs And Arms 07. Modeling The Shoes 08. Texture,Materials,HDRI And Final Render Settings

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