Release date:2020, September 11
Author:Florian Girardot
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
In this online course, you are going to discover the infinite possibilities of the particles in NukeX. So many reasons to do your own effects directly in Nuke. Floating Dust, Smoke, rain, dripping water and so on…
As the other courses from this Nuke master class series, you will achieve a great shot, from beginning to end, that will illustrate all the professionals techniques that you’ll learn.
At the end of this course, you’ll be confident creating realistic or stylized particle systems that you’ll be able to integrate in your shots or motion design creation.01-course-introduction 02-particle-emitter 03-rendering-particles 04-particle-directional-force 05-particle-gravity 06-particle-turbulences 07-adjust-particle-shape 08-particle-cache 09-integrate-particles 10-masking-particles 11-conclusion-homework 12-rain-drop-particleemitter 13-particledrag 14-particle-spawn 15-pixelfudger-distort 16-particle-channels 17-particlesettings 18-particlecurves 19-merging-effects 20-chapter2-conclusion-and-homework 21-using-preset 22-kill-particles 23-merging-the-rain 24-final-result
[CGCircuit] Mastering Nuke Vol 6.7z
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