Release date:2020, December
Author:Marc Dominguez Martin
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Not Provided
In this course, you will learn how to create high-resolution organic destructions with Houdini’s VDB system. This way of working will allow you to simulate RND faster without having a super-powerful computer.
Don’t worry about the level because I am going to explain the course node by node and if you have any questions you can always send me an email ; )
All the elements are going to be simulated. We are not going to animate anything with keyframes. We will create the wrecking ball doing a Vellum simulation.
01 Welcome 02 download houdini 03 references 04 download models 05 the workspace 06 seting up the wall 07 scattering 08 vdb fracture 09 interior detail 10 convex decomposition 11 groups 12 glue and soft constraints 13 wrecking ball colliders 14 rbd sim 15 transform pieces 16 cachesh 17 uv setup 18 setting up vellum 19 vellum sim 20 polywire 21 flipbook 22 modelling the limitless 23 extra walls 24 final conclusions
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