Release date:2021, February 8
Author:Digital Saucer Studios
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
In this tutorial, I will show you how to create TWO FUN, CUTE, CARTOON CHARACTERS in Maya 2020.
But first I begin by showing you some of the basic tools in Maya, like how to navigate the camera, how to set up your viewport in preparation to do some modeling, and how to use some of Maya’s most common modelling tools, like the:
Then we move on to do some modeling.
Firstly, we block out the character shapes, then complete the process by adding details and learning how to use correct geometry so your models look clean and professional.
The next step is to use the UV Editor to create nice, clean UV maps for the characters. Having great UVs are important for when it comes to texturing.
I will show you how to texture in Maya using a variety of ways, mainly using various nodes inside the HYPERSHADE, and using the 3D Paint Tool.
Finally, I will show you how to set up the lighting, and how to create nice, clean, gorgeous renders of your models.
You will find this tutorial very informative, and packed with professional tips and tricks that will allow you to create your own characters in Maya.
1. Introduction 01. Introduction 02. 002. Navigating the Camera 03. 003. Selection Tools 04. 004. Heads Up Display 05. 005. Custom Shelf 06. 006. Extrude Tool 07. 007. Multi-Cut Tool 08. 008. Bevel Tool and Mirror Tool
2. CHARACTER 1 01. 01. Blocking Out the Body 02. 02. Creating the Eyeballs 03. 03. Projecting Curves for Nostril and Mouth 04. 04. Creating the Hand 05. 05. Creating the Leg and Halfing the Model 06. 06. Quad Draw Tool to Create Topology 07. 07. Relaxing Topology with Quad Draw 08. 08. Finishing the Nostril 09. 09. Finishing the Mouth 10. 10. Finishing the Eye 11. 11. Attaching the Hand 12. 12. Creating the Feet 13. 13. Finishing the Feet and Mirroring the Body 14. 14. Creating the Teeth and Fixing the Nostrils 15. 15. Fixing the Geometry 16. 16. Fixing the Geometry and Finishing the Mouth 17. 17. Setting Up the Camera and Background 18. 18. UV Mapping the Left Eye 19. 19. UV Mapping the Right Eye 20. 20. UV Mapping the Teeth 21. 21. UV Mapping the Hands, Mouth and Nostrils 22. 22. UV Mapping the Body 23. 23. Creating the Skydome Light 24. 24. Creating the Arnold Materials 25. 25. Adding Ambient Occlusion 26. 26. Texturing the Eyes 27. 27. Texturing the Teeth 28. 28. Texturing the Body 29. 29. Applying the Body Texture to Arnold Material 30. 30. Creating Area Lights 31. 31. Creating the Final Render
3. CHARACTER 2 01. 001. Setting Up the Image Plane 02. 002. Creating the Eyes 03. 003. Blocking Out the Eyelids 04. 004. Finishing the Eyelids 05. 005. Blocking Out the Stalks 06. 006. Finishing the Stalks 07. 007. Blocking Out the Body 08. 008. Projecting Mouth Curve onto Geometry 09. 009. Creating the Curves for the Tentacles 10. 010. Creating Tentacle 1 11. 011. Creating Tentacle 2 12. 012. Creating Tentacle 3 13. 013. Creating Tentacle 4 14. 014. Creating Tentacle 5 15. 015. Posing the Tentacles 16. 016. Using Quad Draw Part 1 17. 017. Using Quad Draw Part 2 18. 018. Attaching the Stalks 19. 019. Attaching the Tentacles Part 1 20. 020. Attaching the Tentacles Part 2 21. 021. Attaching the Tentacles Part 3 22. 022. Finishing the Mouth and the Body 23. 023. Creating the Eyelashes 24. 024. UV Maaping Part 1 25. 025. UV Mapping Part 2 26. 026. UV Mapping Part 2 27. 027. Setting Up the Camera 28. 028. Creating the Skydome Light 29. 029. Texturing the Background and Eyelashes 30. 030. Texturing the Eyeballs 31. 031. Using 3D Paint Tool to Texture the Character 32. 032. Finishing the Texturing Process 33. 033. Creating Area Lights and Final Render
[Udemy] Modeling and Rendering Cute Characters in Maya 2020.7z
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