Release date:2021
Author:Rey Bustos
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
1. Build Your Own Ecorché | Part 1: Constructing the Wire Frame
In this series, you will learn how to create your own ecorché sculpture from scratch with artistic anatomist, Rey Bustos. Rey makes the challenging but rewarding subject of learning artistic anatomy easy-to-understand and fun. In this first lesson of the series, Rey will get started by going over the first steps in the process.2. Build Your Own Ecorché | Part 2: The Pelvis and Femurs
In this series, you will learn how to create your own ecorché sculpture from scratch with artistic anatomist, Rey Bustos. Rey makes the challenging but rewarding subject of learning artistic anatomy easy-to-understand and fun. In this second lesson of the series, Rey will begin adding the first bones to the wire frame.3. Build Your Own Ecorché | Part 3: The Tibias, Fibulas, and Feet
In this series, you will learn how to create your own ecorché sculpture from scratch with artistic anatomist, Rey Bustos. Rey makes the challenging but rewarding subject of learning artistic anatomy easy-to-understand and fun. In this third lesson of the series, Rey will show you how to sculpt the tibias, fibulas, and feet.4. Build Your Own Ecorché | Part 4: The Vertebrae, Thorax, and Humeri
In this series, you will learn how to create your own ecorché sculpture from scratch with artistic anatomist, Rey Bustos. Rey makes the challenging but rewarding subject of learning artistic anatomy easy-to-understand and fun. In this fourth lesson of the series, Rey will show you how to sculpt the vertebra, thorax, and humeri.5. Build Your Own Ecorché | Part 5: The Scapulae, Forearms, and Hands
In this series, you will learn how to create your own ecorché sculpture from scratch with artistic anatomist, Rey Bustos. In this fifth lesson of the series, Rey will show you how to sculpt the scapulae, forearms, and hands.6. Build Your Own Ecorché | Part 6: Baking and Painting the Ecorché
In this series, you will learn how to create your own ecorché sculpture from scratch with artistic anatomist, Rey Bustos. Rey makes the challenging but rewarding subject of learning artistic anatomy easy-to-understand and fun. In this sixth lesson of the series, Rey will show you how to bake the skeleton of your ecorché at home.7. Build Your Own Ecorché | Part 7: Forming the Skull and Applying Lower Leg Muscles
In this series, you will learn how to create your own ecorché sculpture from scratch with artistic anatomist, Rey Bustos. In this seventh lesson of the series, Rey will show you how to form the skull of the ecorché.8. Build Your Own Ecorche | Part 8: The Thighs, Gluteals, and Skull Features
In this series, you will learn how to create your own ecorché sculpture from scratch with artistic anatomist, Rey Bustos. In this eighth lesson of the series, Rey will go over the application of the thigh and gluteal muscles, as well as show you how to begin adding details to the skull.9. Build Your Own Ecorché | Part 9: The Back and Triceps Brachii
In this series, you will learn how to create your own ecorché sculpture from scratch with artistic anatomist, Rey Bustos. In this ninth lesson of the series, Rey will go over the application of the back and tricep brachii muscles, and will start on the shoulder muscles. Materials Skewer Paintbrush Brayer Art Alternatives Armature (Aluminum).10. Build Your Own Ecorché | Part 10: The Upper Arm and Forearm
In this series, you will learn how to create your own ecorché sculpture from scratch with artistic anatomist, Rey Bustos. Rey makes the challenging but rewarding subject of learning artistic anatomy easy-to-understand and fun. In this tenth lesson of the series, Rey will finish off the skull, and apply the muscles of the upper arm and forearm.11. Build Your Own Ecorché | Part 11: Upper Torso, Deep Neck, and Deltoid Muscles
In this series, you will learn how to create your own ecorché sculpture from scratch with artistic anatomist, Rey Bustos. Rey makes the challenging but rewarding subject of learning artistic anatomy easy-to-understand and fun. Here is the final lesson of the series! In this lesson, you’ll add the muscles of the upper torso, deep neck, and deltoid to your ecorché. Remember that this series is not about becoming an expert anatomist, or even about creating something that you can show off at a gallery! It’s about working with your hands and learning about the body in three dimensions. With a working knowledge of how the masses of the human body are compiled, your figurative artwork will be more accurate!01 Constructing the Wire Frame 01. Lesson Overview 02. Introduction to Materials and Tools 03. Establishing the Basic Frame Shape 04. Refining the Legs and Adding the Arms 05. Adding the Sternum and Establishing a Pose 06. Establishing the First Six Ribs 07. Finishing off the Rib Cage 08. Mounting the Frame to the Wooden Base 09. Adding Steel Wire Arm and Fingers
02 The Pelvis and Femurs 01. Lesson Overview 02. Beginning the Pelvis 03. Finishing off the Pelvis and Sacrum 04. Beginning the Femurs 05. Finishing off the Femurs
03 The Tibias, Fibulas, and Feet 01. Lesson Overview 02. The Foot (Skeletal) 03. The Foot (Flesh) 04. The Tibias and Fibulas 05. The Tibias and Fibulas (Opposing Side)
04 The Vertebrae, Thorax, and Humeri 01. Lesson Overview 02. Applying the Vertebrae 03. Left Side of the Rib Cage 04. Right Side of the Rib Cage 05. Applying the Vertebrae 06. The Sternum Pectoralis Major 07. The Humeri
05 The Scapulae, Forearms, and Hands 01. Lesson Overview 02. The Forearm and Hands 03. The Ulna and Radius 04. The Scapulae 05. The Left Hands (Skeletal)
06 Baking and Painting 01. Lesson Overview 02. Baking the Ecorché 03. Painting the Ecorché
07 Forming the Skull 01. Lesson Overview 02. Forming the Skull 03. Applying Muscles to Lower leg
08 The Thighs, Gluteals, and Skull 01. Lesson Overview 02. The Adductor Muscles 03. The Gluteal Muscles 04. Features of the Skull
09 The Back and Triceps Brachii 01. Lesson Overview 02. The Back and Tricep Muscles 03. The Shoulder Muscles and Finishing the Back
10 The Upper Arm and Forearm 01. Lesson Overview 02. Finishing Touches of the Head 03. The Bicep 04. The Forearm
11 Upper Torso, Deep Neck, and Deltoid 01. Lesson Overview 02. Deep Neck Muscles 03. Front Torso and Trapezius 04. Pectoralis Muscles 05. Deltoid Muscles
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