Release date:2021
Author:Xara Mahmoudi
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
In this course you’ll learn to make complex and engine friendly rigs, animate for a game then import and
integrate these animations and the rigged character inside the engine. By using ARTv1 the process of
rigging becomes more faster and easier.
Rigging To Animation And Engine Made Easy
his one gets directly to the point. I will show you how to get things done instead of the usual standardexplanation. You’ll know everything you need to know to get working and just won’t waste time watching
and learning things that are not related to the course purpose.
Chapter 1 Overview and Tools 00 The Dwarf Warrior II Trailer 01 Introduction 02 Install the ARTv1
Chapter 2 Rigging and Skinning 01 Making a proxy mesh 02 Analyzing the mesh and preparing maya 03 Joint Placement 04 Beggining skining the legs 05 Skining arms and fingers 06 Skinning the chest with the first method 07 Skinning the chest with second method_part1 08.1 skinning the chest with second method_part2 08.2 skinning the chest with second method_part3 09 Finalizing the upperbody 10 Skinning the cape 11 Adding twist bones 12 Skinning the face and neck 13 Preparing the hair and beard mesh 14 Skinning the beard 15 Begin to add facial blendshapes 16 Fininishing the facial blendshpes 17 Editing the controllers 18 Making Facial controller 19 Tweaking and optimising the skinned mesh 20 Final tweaks of the rig
Chapter 3 Animating 01 Prepare a scene for animation 02 Making idle animation 03 Begin to animate a normal walk cycle 04 Finishing the normal walk cycle 05 Changing the normal walk to walk holding the hammer 06 Finishing the normal run cycle 07 Changing the normal run cycle to run holding the hammer 08 Blocking attack animation 09 Adding between keys and retiming 10 Finilizing attack animation
Chapter 4 Integrating inside Engine 01 Importing animations into engine and prepare everything 02 Making character blueprint 03 Making animation blueprint 04 Adding attack animation 05 Making an animation layer using montage
Maya Files.7z.001 Maya Files.7z.002 Unreal Engine Files.7z
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