Release date:2021
Author:Maxim Zhestkov
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Take a more artistic approach to architectural concept design. Follow along as award-winning designer/director Maxim Zhestkov reveal all the tools in his kit. Learn techniques in Cinema 4D, Arnold Renderer, and Photoshop to create your very own set of breathtaking images, including an immersive 360° render.
Core Concept
Start things off by diving into the DNA of your project. Maxim will teach you to gather your thoughts, work with references, and build a visual foundation. You’ll then learn to make sketches and illustrations to lay the groundwork for your images.Modeling in Cinema 4D
Think with depth and translate your ideas to the third dimension. Maxim will teach you all the instruments in his toolkit for polygonal modeling. After getting comfortable with the tools, you’ll learn to focus on the creative side of modeling rather than the technical.Lighting and Rendering in Arnold
Let there be light! In this lesson, Maxim will cover all the types of light emitters in Arnold and how to use them efficiently. You’ll learn how to add atmosphere, work with materials, add textures and render your scene.Polishing and Publishing
The final step of any project is sharing it with the world. Before wrapping things up, Maxim will cover principles of working with textures and color correction. You’ll add graphic elements on top of your masterpiece and learn to share full 360° renders.1 Core Concept 1-1_introduction 1-1-1_course-trailer 1-1_introduction 1-1-2_who-i-am 1-1_introduction 1-1-3_course-overview 1-1_introduction 1-1-4_goals 1-2_references 1-2-1_defining-your-idea 1-2_references 1-2-2_working-with-references 1-2_references 1-2-3_mixing-fiction-and-reality 1-3_concept-sketch-examples 1-3-1_language-of-geometry 1-3_concept-sketch-examples 1-3-2_ideation-drawing 1-3_concept-sketch-examples 1-3-3_fast-thinking 1-4-conclusion 1-4-1_homework inspiration josephs-journey
2 Modeling in Cinema 4D 2-1_getting-started 2-1-1_lesson-overview 2-1_getting-started 2-1-2_scene-structure 2-1_getting-started 2-1-3_viewing-options 2-1_getting-started 2-1-4_main-instruments 2-1_getting-started 2-1-5_working-with-360-degrees 2-2_blocking 2-2-1_blocking-the-scene 2-3_tools-of-modeling 2-3-1_symmetry 2-3_tools-of-modeling 2-3-2_extrude 2-3_tools-of-modeling 2-3-3_bevel 2-3_tools-of-modeling 2-3-4_knife 2-3_tools-of-modeling 2-3-5_loop-selection 2-3_tools-of-modeling 2-3-6_split_and_connect 2-3_tools-of-modeling 2-3-7_weld 2-3_tools-of-modeling 2-3-8_optimize 2-3_tools-of-modeling 2-3-9_tubes 2-4_modeling-and-texturing 2-4-1_modeling 2-4_modeling-and-texturing 2-4-2_uv_texturing 2-5_conclusion 2-5-1_homework inspiration josephs-journey
3 Lighting and Rendering in Arnold 3-1_introduction 3-1-1_lesson-overview 3-2_lighting 3-2-1_light-and-art 3-2_lighting 3-2-2_types-of-lights-in-arnold 3-2_lighting 3-2-3_lighting-the-scene 3-2_lighting 3-2-4_painting-with-light 3-2_lighting 3-2-5_adding-atmosphere 3-3_shader-and-texture 3-3-1_standard-material 3-3_shader-and-texture 3-3-2_adding-graphic-elements 3-4_setting-up-your-360-cam 3-4-1_360-cam 3-4_setting-up-your-360-cam 3-4-2_arnold-renderer-settings 3-4_setting-up-your-360-cam 3-4-3_adding-to-render-queue 3-5_conclusion 3-5-1_homework inspiration josephs-journey
4 Polishing and Publishing 4-1_introduction 4-1-1_lesson-overview 4-2_polishing 4-2-1_using-textures-and-photos 4-2_polishing 4-2-2_graphic-elements-and-paintover 4-2_polishing 4-2-3_color-correction 4-2_polishing 4-2-4_finishing-an-architectural-image 4-3_publishing 4-3-1_saving-your-work 4-3_publishing 4-3-2_publishing-your-work 4-4_conclusion 4-4-1_homework 4-4_conclusion 4-4-2_final-word inspiration josephs-journey
[Learn Squared] Concept Architecture with Maxim Zhestkov.7z
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