Release date:2021
Author:Julia Henze
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Point One Do you love urban sketching, as I do, but you struggle with perspective? Then this class is for you! This is the first part of a series about perspective. In this class we will focus on the fundamentals of the one-point perspective in urban sketching.
This is a beginners class, so my intention is not to show you one method to draw one particular street, but I want you to understand how to draw your own illustration with one-point perspective in different circumstances. I know that for many of you it’s a quite tough stuff but I’ll try to make it as clear as possible by explaining every detail and by showing different examples. And, of course, we will draw a nice one-point perspective at the end.
Enjoy the class!
Point Two This is the second, and the last, part of a series about perspective. In this class, we’ll go over two-point perspective in urban sketching.
We will go through:
– different types of perspective;
– basic perspective terms and how to recognize two-point perspective;
– how to understand two-point perspective (there you can find some ideas for practicing at the end);
– and how to draw it in different circumstances (with tips, tricks and shadowing matters).
Of course, there will be a speed drawing video at the end where I’ll show you how I make a two-point perspective sketch in three steps.
Part one 1. Intro 2. Types of perspective 3. How to recognize one-point perspective 4. How to understand one-point perspective 1 5. How to understand one-point perspective 2 6. How to draw one-point perspective 7. Drawing a street in one-point perspective 8. Final thoughts
Part Two 1. Intro 2. Types of perspective 3. How to recognize two-point perspective 4. How to understand two-point perspective 5. How to draw two-point perspective 6. Drawing in two-point perspective 7. Final thoughts
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