Release date:2021
Author:David Bitroff
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Create Color IDs in Maya for use in Substance Painter with David Bittorf This quick 30 tutorial will walk you through how to create Color IDs for Substance Painter. Learn how to use Maya to assign vertex colors to your model to easily create Color IDs. By the end of the lesson you will be able to assign vertex color IDs to objects, as well as parts of object to have full control of where you would like your materials placed. Learn how to quickly and accurately assign existing color IDs to additional objects you may have forgotten about. You will also learn how to import your Color IDs into Substance Painter.
Hard Surface Vehicle 3D Modeling in Maya with David Bittorf This a step-by-step tutorial showing how to model a realistic motorcycle in Maya. This course is designed to teach you how to take your hard surface modeling skills to the next level. You will see this motorcycle created from start to finish. Start by learning advanced reference techniques using Sketchfab. Master techniques such as Circularize, Lattice Deformer, Append to Polygon, Quad Draw, Bevel, Snap Together, Extruding Along a Curve, Animation Snapshot, Importing Vector Art and more in over 11 hours of instructional video. Watch this video from start to finish to see the entire process or jump into any lesson to see how a tool or technique is done in a practical way. This tutorial assumes you have a understanding of the Maya Interface. You will be provided a project files to follow along.
Hard Surface Vehicle UV Mapping in Maya with David Bittorf This tutorial will walk you through how to UV map a complex motorcycle model comprised of several parts. You will learn how to UV various shapes and key strategies to keep yourself organized. The model will be broken up into 4 separate regions that will each have their own UV layout. By the end of the lesson you will be able to use specific strategies that will speed up your UV Mapping workflow. Some of the strategies include, transferring UV maps from one object to another, creating a custom mel script to quickly assign textures, automatic mapping and more.
Intro to Substance Painter – Creating Materials with David Bittorf This a step-by-step tutorial showing how to use Substance Painter for all your texturing and material needs. You will learn everything you need to know from Importing models to Exporting final Texture Maps. By the end of the lesson you will know how to Bake Maps, Work with Multiple Texture Sets, Use Generators, Create Emissive Maps, Use Smart Masks, Add Materials to specific Color IDs and more.
Intro to Substance Painter – Creating Normal Maps with David Bittorf This tutorial will walk you through how to create normal maps inside of Substance Painter. Learn how to Bake Maps, Use Mirroring, Radial Symmetry, Importing Custom Text, Masking, Creating Straight Lines, Using Stroke Spacing, Exporting Maps and more. By the end of the lesson you will have the skills necessary to create complex normal maps on your own hard surface models.
Create Color IDs in Maya for use in Substance Painter with David Bittorf 000.Introduction 001 Color ID Start 002 Color ID Finish 003 Color ID Final 004 Exporting to Substance Painter
Hard Surface Vehicle 3D Modeling in Maya with David Bittorf 01-Introduction 02-Maya Project Folder (Contains all lessons) 03-001 SketchFab Reference 04-002 Images Planes in Maya 05-003 Aligning Images 06-004 Blocking 01 07-005 Blocking 02 08-006 Blocking 03 Start with Circles 09-007 Blocking 04 10-008 Blocking 05 Bridge 11-009 Lattice Deformer 12-010 Append 13-011 Quad Draw 14-012 Duplicate Face 15-013 Appending Circles 16-014 Multiple Edge Loops 17-015 Bevel and Snap Together Tool 18-016 Grouping 19-017 Blocking Motor 01 20-018 Blocking Motor 02 21-019 Blocking Motor 03 Bridging 22-020 Blocking Motor 04 Sketchfab Hiding 23-021 Blocking Motor 05 24-022 Quad Draw 25-023 Symmetry 26-024 Mirror and Breaks 27-025 Holes 28-026 Tight Edge Loops 29-027 Hollow Pipes and Delete History 30-028 Tight Edge Loops Motor 31-029 Fixing Poles 32-030 Merging Verts and Cleaning Geometry 33-031 Importing Missing Parts 34-032 Equal Resolution 35-033 Normal Map or Model 36-034 Adding Missing Parts 37-035 Creating Holes 38-036 Convert Edge to Curve 39-037 Animation Snapshot 40-038 Hub Cap 41-039 Chain Guard 42-040 Finishing Wheel and Round End Caps 43-041 Breaks 44-042 EP Curve Tool 45-043 Extrude Along Curve 46-044 Animation Snapshot and Extrude Curve 47-045 Bevel Edge and Modeling Foot Petal 48-046 Adding More Detail 49-047 Adding More Detail 02 50-048 Adding More Detail 03 51-049 Bend Deformer 52-050 Edge Flow Cleanup 53-051 Final Pieces 54-052 Cleaning Edge Flow 55-053 Logo 56-054 Bend Deformer 57-055 Soften and Harden Normals 58-056 Outliner Cleanup 59-057 Measure Life Size
Hard Surface Vehicle UV Mapping in Maya with David Bittorf 01-Introduction 02-000 Planning 03-001 Determining UV Space 04-002 UV Mapping Tires 01 05-003 UV Mapping Tires 02 06-004 UV Mapping Tires 03 (Layout) 07-005 Creating a Custom Shelf 08-006 UV Mapping Frame 01 09-007 UV Mapping Frame 02 (Cords and Pipes) 10-008 UV Mapping Frame 03 11-009 UV Mapping Frame 04 12-010 UV Mapping Frame 05 (Layout) 13-011 UV Mapping Baskets 01 (Automatic Mapping) 14-012 UV Mapping Motor 01 (Cords and Pipes) 15-013 UV Mapping Motor 02 Automatic Mapping 16-014 UV Mapping Motor 03 Transfer Attributes 17-015 UV Mapping 04 18-016 UV Mapping 05 19-017 UV Mapping Motors 06 (Layout) 20-018 UV Map Final
Intro to Substance Painter – Creating Materials with David Bittorf 01. Introduction 02. 001 Launching Substance Painter 03. 002 Baking Maps 04. 003 Materials on Color IDs 05. 004 Generators and Paint Masks 06. 005 Tires and Basket Materials 07. 006 Emissive Lights 08. 007 Editing Baked Maps 09. 008 Stickers 10. 009 Smart Masks (Adding Dirt) 11. 010 Manual Edits 12. 011 Exporting Maps 13. 012 Diliation vs No Padding
Intro to Substance Painter – Creating Normal Maps with David Bittorf 01-Introduction 02-001 Overview 03-002 Baking Maps 04-003 Substance Normal Intro 05-004 Normal Mapping Motor 06-005 Using Photoshop 07-006 Radial Symmetry 08-007 Stitching 09-008 Custom Text 10-009 Frame Start 11-010 Frame Finish 12-011 Exporting Maps
[Udemy] Hard Surface Vehicle Modeling, Texturing by David bitroff (All in one)_Subtitles.7z [Udemy] Hard Surface Vehicle Modeling, Texturing by David bitroff (All in one).7z
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