Release date:2021, April 8
Author:Lionel VICIDOMINI
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
The third volume of the complete training unleashes the power of Mograph!
But what is Mograph exactly ? This is the toolset that made Motion Design so popular. In the 2000es Maxon introduced Mograph, which was then just a module, and has become over time a key element of Cinema 4D.
Mograph allows you to create eye-opening, mesmerizing, gorgeous looking animation very easily. Its modular approach makes it very simple to just add element of design on top of each other and achieve beautiful result very quickly.
I’m Lionel VICIDOMINI, a Maxon Certified Instructor, Maxon Master Trainer and Motion Designer based in Paris, France. I believe that in order to truly master a software you have to learn it by the details. I have created this series of training, to create a video manual of Cinema 4D and to be the most thorough possible while being entertaining.
In this training we will explore everything that Mograph can do, and that is a lot !
How Mograph works fundamentally, the core concepts behind it
A complete library of all the effectors and how to use them
An in-depth exploration of the fields, and how to combine them with the effectors
All the Mograph Generators, such as the Voronoi Fracture which can shatter any object into tiny pieces
How to combine Volumes and Fields to produce stunning imagery
Master the Vertex Map fields, which can create incredible growth systems, generating organic, living shapes
The last chapter offers several in-depth workshops, with almost 4 hours of in-hands practical exercises. In these workshops you will create :
A fully procedural, auto-animated clock! Look, mom, no keyframe!
Model a Barrel Generator: Donkey Kong will be jealous. With control over the number of planks, their thickness, the curvature of the bulge etc…
Make dominos tumble, any way you want !
Create a wall of cube, creating a transition between two textures. Ideal for corporate Motion Graphics
Design an intricate transition made of intersected hexagons. Convert it to an animated, seamless, never-ending background
Pile up legos to create a stunning logo! Animate the build-up!
The Fractured Sphere will create a mesmerizing look, of slow motion debris flying to nothingness
Make dripping droplets of condensation accumulate on a can of beer !
I have designed this training as a video manual, with short sections, packed with information. It is not mandatory to watch all the videos ! You can watch them as you wish, along your journey into Mograph, as needed. You can very well jump straight ahead to the final chapter, the workshops, and go back to studying videos about specific tools used in the exercises.
This training is perfect for beginners, who will need to learn all the fundamentals of Mograph, as well as for more advanced users who will be delighted by the depths of details for every video and with the intricate workshops at the end of the training.
This training has been recorded on R23 but can be followed very easily in newer and older version, going back to R20. It is not recommended for older releases (R19 and below) because of the fields which were introduced in R20 only.
It is not required to have followed the first two volumes of the series, but it can greatly help, especially if you are new to 3D.
01. The Cloner Object 02. What is Mograph 03. The Cloner 04. The Cloner – Linear Mode 05. The Cloner – Step Mode 06. Reset Coordinates Option 07. Transform Panel 08. Radial Mode 09. Grid Array 10. Honeycomb Array 11. Distributing Clones onto an Object 12. Distributing Clones onto a Spline 13. Distributing Clones onto a Spline – Alignment 14. Iterate, Random, and Sort Modes 15. Blend Mode 16. Instancing Modes 17. Using Particles as a Cloner 18. Caching Mograph
02. The Effector 101 01. What is an Effector 02. The Transform Parameter – Strength, Min and Max 03. The Mograph Selection and Weightmap 04. The Tranform Mode Relative, Remap, Absolute 05. Managing Colors 06. UV Transform 07. Modify Clone 08. Visibility Checkbox 09. Using the Time Offset to Play Animation 10. Transforming Animations using Time Value 11. Deforming Meshes using Effectors
03. Using Fields 01. What Are Fields 02. Visualizing Fields 03. Blending Fields 04. Using Masks and Folders 05. Remapping and Clamping 06. Remapping Contour 07. Controling Colors with Fields 08. The Color and Multi Shader Materials
04. The Effector and Field Library 01. Lets Randomize the Random Effector and the Random Field 02. Advanced options of the Random Effector 03. Noise Pattern with the Random Field 04. Sorting the Randomness 05. Synchronized and Indexed options on the Random Effector 06. Using the Random Field as a Deformer 07. Push Apart Effector 08. Using the Push Apart Effector to Populate a Landscape 09. Creating a Color Blindness Test with the Push Apart Effector 10. The Delay Effector 11. Delay Effector Advanced Uses 12. The Delay Field 13. Randomizing the Delay Effector and Field 14. The Inheritance Effector 15. The Inheritance Effector On a Text 16. The Inheritance Effector Morphing Clones 17. The Time Effector and Field 18. Using the Time Effector to Offset Time 19. The Step Effector and Field 20. The Formula Effector and Field 21. The Spline Effector 22. The Target Effector 23. The Target Effector Using Fields 24. The Volume Effector 25. The Shader Effector and Field 26. The Sound Effector and Field Loading and Playing a Sound 27. The Sound Effector and Field Creating an Animation 28. The Sound Effector and Field Deforming Geometry with Sound 29. The ReEffector
05. Field Layers and Modifiers Layers 01. The Spline Field Mask Mode 02. The Spline Field Curve Mode 03. Radial Field 04. Using an Object as a Field 05. The Volume Object Field 06. Particles as Fields 07. Using Volume Objects as Fields 08. Using a Mograph Selection or Weightmap as a Field 09. Unleashing the Power of the Group Field 10. Decay Field 11. Animating with the Curve Field 12. Creating Accelerating Motion with Curve Field 13. Clamp, Range, Remap Fields 14. Noise Remap Field 15. The Color Modifier Fields 16. Quantize Field
06. More Fun with the Mograph Generators 01. Fracture Object the Basics 02. Fracture Object Modes 03. Animating a Logo with Fracture 04. Fracturing a Clock 05. Morphing a Car into Another with Fracture 06. Voronoi Fracture the Basics 07. Voronoi Fracture Point Distribution 08. Voronoi Fracture Shader Distribution 09. Voronoi Fracture Fracturing with Objects 10. Voronoi Fracture Sorting Tab 11. Voronoi Fracture Creating Clusters with Glue 12. Voronoi Fracture Selections 13. Voronoi Fracture Detailing 14. MoInstance 15. MoText 16. The Matrix Generator 17. The Tracer Tracing Paths 18. The Tracer Connecting Objects 19. The Tracer Tracing Particles 20. MoExtrude 21. PolyFX 22. MoSpline The Amazing Power of Splines 23. MoSpline Simple Mode 24. MoSpline Destination Spline 25. MoSpline Using Effectors and Forces 26. MoSpline The Turtle Mode 27. MoSpline adding Clones to Turtle 28. The Beat Shader
07. Animating Vertex Map with Fields 01. The Freeze Layer 02. Vertex Maps with Mograph 03. Grow Modes 04. Vertex Maps as Fields 05. Evolving Growth Effects 06. Write-On Effect and Motion Trails with the Decay Field 07. Creating a ReactionDiffusion Effect
08. Mixing Volumes and Fields 01. Meshing Volumes 02. Creating Water Splashes 03. Creating Layered Animated Noises 04. Adding even more Layers 05. Using Mograph Weightmaps with Volumes 06. Growing the Mograph Weightmap 07. Meshing the Weightmap 08. Growth Mode with Fog Volume 09. Using the ReactionDiffusion Technic with Volumes
09. Workshops 01. Modeling a Clock 02. Modeling a Clock Creating the Graduations 03. Modeling a Clock Animating the Hands 04. Finishing the Clock 05. Modeling a Barrel 06. Finishing the Barrel 07. Tumbling Dominos Distribution of the Dominos 08. Tumbling Dominos Making the Dominos Fall 09. Tumbling Dominos Taking Care of the Last Domino 10. Texturing the Dominos 11. Alternate Ways of Tumbling the Dominos – Part 1 12. Alternate Ways of Tumbling the Dominos – Part 2 13. Cube Transition Setting up the Cubes 14. Cube Transition Fixing the Textures 15. Cube Transition Automating the Transition 16. Motion Design Transition Basic Transition 17. Motion Design Transition Refining the Animation 18. Motion Design Transition Animated Seamless Background 19. Using the Motion Design Transition inside After Effects with Cineware 20. Lego Reveal Modeling the Lego Brick 21. Lego Reveal Filling the Volume Lego 22. Lego Reveal Coloring the Legos 23. Lego Reveal Animating the Exterior 24. Lego Reveal Animating the Interior 25. Lego Reveal Texture and Lighting 26. The Fractured Sphere 27. Creating a Water Droplet Condensation Effect Animation 28. Creating a Water Droplet Condensation Effect Making the Droplets Visible
[Udemy] Cinema 4D Complete – Vol. 3 Unleash the power of Mograph!_Subtitles.7z [Udemy] Cinema 4D Complete – Vol. 3 Unleash the power of Mograph!.7z
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