Release date:2020, August 7
Author:Lionel Vicidomini
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
This training is the first volume of the most complete Cinema 4D course you will find !
You’ll dive into the basics of Cinema 4D, and how to get a good understanding of the core concept of this wonderful 3D application.
I’m Lionel VICIDOMINI, a Maxon Certified Instructor and Motion Designer based in Paris, France. I believe that in order to truly master a software you have to learn it by the details. I have created this training, the first one of a series, to create a video manual of Cinema 4D and to be the most thorough possible while being entertaining.
In this volume you will see:
A complete tour of the interface
How to navigate efficiently in the 3D viewport
The display options of the viewport
How to customize the interface
The hidden options of the object manager
Tips and tricks on how to manipulate lots of objects
The coordinate system
The layer manager
The software preferences to know
How to set up your project and save the changes
The library and how to search it
The parametric objects explained
How to move, scale and rotate your objects quickly and efficiently
The generators
Workplane and snapping settings explained
How to place your objects exactly where you want
Practical workshop: how to model a toy Flying Saucer using parametric objects only
This training is aimed for the beginner eager to jump into the 3D world, as well for the more seasoned graphic designer who wants to deepen his knowledge of the features of this wonderful software.
You don’t need to watch every single video to learn Cinema 4D, you can do it gradually by jumping from video to video along your way. Each lecture is designed to be short and packed with information.
You can follow this tutorial with Cinema 4D Lite which is bundled with After Effects CC.
In the next volume you will learn everything there is to know about modeling.
Are you ready to dive into the 3D world ? Let’s get started !
01. Getting to know the Interface 02. A brief tour of the interface 03. Navigating the Viewport 04. Navigating the Viewport The Camera Modes 05. Framing Objects 06. Cameras 07. Views Windows 08. Perspective and Orthographic Views 09. Shading of the Viewport 10. Level Of Detail 11. Viewport Filters 12. Viewport Effects 13. Display Options and Display Tag 14. Configuring the Viewport 15. Customizing the Interface 16. Going Further with Customization
02. The Object Manager 01. Getting to know the Object Manager 02. Selecting Objects 03. The Object Hierarchy 04. Filtering the Object Manager 05. Hiding and Unhiding Objects 06. The Bookmarks 07. The Solo Button 08. The Layer Manager 09. The Content Browser
03. The Attribute Manager 01. Introducing the Attribute Manager 02. Navigating the Tabs 03. The Basic Parameters Name and Color 04. The Coordinate Tab changing multiple value at the same time, using formulas 05. Local and World Coordinates Whats the Difference 06. Size VS Scale
04. The Primitives and The Generators 01. The Basic Primitives 02. Other Primitives 03. Using the Generators and How Parenting Works 04. The Array Generator 05. The Boole Generator 06. The Instance Generator
05. Moving and Arranging Objects 01. Selecting, Moving, Scaling and Rotating the Objects 02. Advanced Options on Moving the Objects 03. Aligning Objects Together 04. Using the Grids to precisely align and move Objects 05. The Snapping Tools 06. Altering the Axis Center of Objects to Align Them 07. Duplicate, Arrange, Center and Randomize Tools 08. Quantizing 09. Using Advanced Technics to Precisely Align Objects Together
06. Modeling a Flying Saucer 01. Creating the Main Body 02. The Antenna 03. The Headlights 04. The Exhaust Vents 05. Creating the Grid of the Exhaust Vents with Cinema 4D Lite 06. Finishing the Exhaust Vents 07. The Feets
[Udemy] Cinema 4D Complete – Vol. 1 The Essentials_Subtitles.7z [Udemy] Cinema 4D Complete – Vol. 1 The Essentials.7z
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