Release date:2021
Author:Jesus Ramirez
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Improve The Look Of Your Images. If you want complete control over of your retouching, compositing and designing in Adobe® Photoshop®, you’ve got to know how to mask. The problem is, masking can be a confusing, hard-to-understand process. In this class, Jesus Ramirez will teach you advanced techniques that even beginners can follow to build excellent and editable masks. You’ll learn how to mask and extract objects in Photoshop with Layer Masks, Clipping Masks, Blend if and more. The skills you learn will help you take your composites and retouching to the next level.
The Beginners Guide to Masking in Photoshop 01 The Beginners Guide to Masking in Photoshop 02 The Beginners Guide to Masking in Photoshop 03 The Beginners Guide to Masking in Photoshop 04 The Beginners Guide to Masking in Photoshop 05 The Beginners Guide to Masking in Photoshop 06 The Beginners Guide to Masking in Photoshop 07 The Beginners Guide to Masking in Photoshop 08 The Beginners Guide to Masking in Photoshop 09 The Beginners Guide to Masking in Photoshop 10
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