Release date:2021, July 8

Author:Nicholas Lever

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

The JavaScript programming language is probably the most popular programming language in the world. Companies all around the global require developers who are proficient with this language. In this course I teach you about the language then apply your new skills to create three games.

Before you write your first game you’ll use your new JavaScript skills and the popular Open Source library, ThreeJS to create several simple online 3D apps. Once you know enough about the ThreeJS library it’s time to create your first game. The first game is a simple game. Here you’ll learn about loading assets, moving assets, user input and collision testing.

The course builds on the skills you learn. The next game is a shooter and you learn how to animate a player avatar, how to control NPC characters so they patrol on a random path using navigation meshes and path-finding. You’ll learn how to control the avatar with a keyboard or gamepad and on a mobile using an on-screen controller. You’ll learn how to fire bullets at the enemy and add AI to the NPCs so they fire back. All the key ingredients of a shooter game.

The last game uses the physics engine CannonJS to control the motion of balls in an Eight-ball Pool game.

Along the way you’ll learn to use the 3D application program Blender to prepare your 3D assets for the games you develop.

Once you’ve completed the course you’ll be super ready for any challenges an employer throws your way when writing JavaScript code. But the main thing is you’ll have developed your much in-demand skills while having fun making games.

01 Introduction 001 Welcome to the course 002 Preparing for the course

02 JavaScript 001 Variables 002 Strings 003 Functions 004 Conditions 005 Arrays 006 Objects 007 Loops 008 Classes 009 Modules 010 Scope 011 Math 012 JSON

03 ThreeJS Primer 001 A 3D Primer 002 Setting up a simple Three.JS app 003 The basis of all Three.JS apps 004 Creating a rotating cube 005 The Three.JS editor 006 Geometries 007 Materials 008 Loaders

04 Assets 001 Finding assets online 002 Using Mixamo to setup character animations 003 Using Blender to prepare assets 004 Exporting and testing

05 You First Game 001 First steps 002 Adding user input 003 Obstacles 004 Collisions 005 Explosions 006 Sound

06 Shooters 001 Preparing the environment 002 Creating a navigation mesh 003 Loading the environment 004 Preparing the NPCs 005 Using pathfinding to move the NPCs 006 The NPC class 007 Patrolling 008 The player avatar 009 User input 010 Gamepads and Onscreen-controllers 011 Camera tricks 012 Combat – part 1 013 Sound and UI 014 Post Processing 015 Combat – part 2

07 Using Physics to Create a Pool Game 001 Introducing CannonJS 002 Ball interaction 003 A Better Table 004 Loading assets 005 Controlling hit strength and testing pocketing 006 Displaying the UI

08 Conclusion 001 Summary

[Udemy] The Beginners Guide to 3D Web Game Development with ThreeJS.7z [Udemy] The Beginners Guide to 3D Web Game Development with ThreeJS_Subtitles.7z

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