Release date:2021
Author:Marcus Whinney
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Brush Pack of 56 Unique brushes used in Photoshop concepting.
Use them as digital brushes in your Photoshop concept or painting. Or to help in Blending your ZBrush concepts
with a fresh and interesting background or to add details later,
As seen in my time-lapse tutorials on YouTube, Check out the link below to see how i use these brushes to create interesting and cool concepts, incorporating them with my ZBrush renders.TrollTutorial01_Intro TrollTutorial02_References TrollTutorial03_ZB_Blockout TrollTutorial04_ZB_MidDetails TrollTutorial05_ZB_FineDetails TrollTutorial06_ZB_Polypaint TrollTutorial07_ZB_Posing TrollTutorial08_ZB_Rendering TrollTutorial09_PH_Compositing
[Artstatioin] MLW_Creative – Zbrush To Photoshop Full Tutorial.7z MLW_Creative 56 Brush Pack – Photoshop.7z
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