Release date:2020, December 8

Author:Jose Moreno

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

In this course you will learn how the PBR workflow works and all the necessary fundamentals to create high materials and stylized textures in Substance Designer and how to use them in any rendering or video game engine.

We are going to see how the to navigate in the interfase and all the panels of Substance Designer, we are going to see how to use the blending modes and the masks to blend images and create any type of texture variations and we are going to see the most important nodes available in the program.

With the fundamentals clear we are going to apply this knowledge creating a first basic material to follow all the material creation workflow.

After the experience with the first material we continue to create one by one 6 stylized and more advanced materials with new methods, new concepts and using a great variety of techniques we can apply from the endless library of nodes that Substance Designer has.

We are going to see how to blend this materials between them to create new combination of materials.

In the last chapter we will see how can we render our materials to create an appealing and professional presentation for portfolio and how can we configure this materials to create terrains with them in Unreal Engine.

01 Introducción 001 Presentation of the course 002 Instructor presentation_ Jose Moreno 003 How to get Substance Designer

02 Fundamentals 001 The PBR Workflow and the texture maps 002 What is Substance Designer 003 Nodes and interfase 004 The graph editor 005 the 2D and the 3D view 006 The material creation workflow 007 The masks and the blending modes

03 Nodes and patterns 001 Preparing the graph 002 Simple patterns 1 003 Simple patterns 2 004 Curved patterns 005 Curved patterns with volume 006 Irregular patterns 007 Variations and deformations 1 008 Variations and deformations 2 009 Adding color 010 Adding the roughness

04 Ground Material 001 Creating the base pattern 002 Adding the pebbles 003 Adding details and colors 004 Fixing details and more color 005 Final details and adding the roughness

05 Sand material 001 Creating the base pattern 002 Fixing the cavities and adding details 003 Adding the pebbles and the color 004 Final details and adding the roughness

06 Grass materials 001 Creating the shape of the leaves 002 Tiling the leaves and blocking the color 003 Creating the flowers with shapes 004 Blending the flowers with the grass 005 Adding details and variations in the color 006 Final details and roughness

07 Snow texture 001 Creating the pattern and blocking the color 002 Adding the roughness and final details

08 Woodplanks material 001 Creating the base pattern and the veins 002 Adding variations and blocking the color 003 Adding the nails 004 Adding the material and color blending 005 Improving the details 006 Final details and roughness

09 Cobblestone 001 Creating an adaptable pattern 002 Adding wear in the stone 003 Adding cracks in the stone 004 Adding color 005 Adding the roughness 006 A small correction 007 Variation 1 – Cobblestone road 008 Variation 2 – Old castle stone 009 Variation 3 – desert temple floor

10 Mixing materials and rendering 001 Blending cobblestone with snow 002 Blending cobblestone with sand 003 Exporting the texture maps 004 Rendering our materials in Marmoset Toolbag 005 Setting our materials in Unreal Engine (part 1) 006 Setting our materials in Unreal Engine (part 2)

11 Final chapter 001 Conclusions

[Udemy] Substance Designer 2020 Stylized material creation.7z [Udemy] Substance Designer 2020 Stylized material creation_Subtitles.7z

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