Release date:2021, August 20
Author:Nexttut Education Pvt.Ltd.
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:No
Are you a beginner who wants to learn the tools and techniques for animation inside of Maya? Would you like to learn animation with easy to follow exercises and projects? If that is the case then I welcome you to nexttut’s Introduction to Animation in Maya 2022.
Course Goal: At the end of this course you will be able to animate scenes using universal techniques and concepts. You will understand how to apply the different principles of animation and how to utilize the tools inside of Maya to create great scenes.
What I Will Learn: In this course we will be covering:
Animation tools in Maya
Principles of Animation
IK and FK systems
Body Mechanics
I will start the course by teaching you the basics of animation in Maya, we will explore some of the most classical exercises like the bouncing Ball and the Pendulum Swing to understand some core concepts. We will then jump into more advancer animations like a Walk Cycle, Body Mechanics and even a combat animation. I have designer this course for students who want to learn the basics of the animation world inside of Maya.
Basic knowledge of the Maya interface is recommended. We will be using Maya 2022 and Arnold so make sure to have both elements installed.
Join me and you will be animating inside of Maya in no time
01. Introduction to Animation in Maya 02. Project Setup 03. Principles of Animation 04. Bouncing Ball Animation 05. Heavy Ball Animation 06. Floaty Ball Animation 07. Animating a Pendulum 08. Using Rigs 09. Keyposes 10. In between Keys 11. Polish and Render 12. Backflip Animation 13. Wall Jump Key Poses 14. Wall Jump Timing 15. Wall Jump Polish 16. IK FK Setup 17. Walk Cycle Key Poses 18. Walk Cycle Polish 19. Run Cycle 20. Run, Jump, Walk Key Poses 21. Run, Jump, Walk Timing 22. Run, Jump, Walk Polish 23. Poses and Balance 24. Transitional Poses 25. Hadouken Key poses 26. Hadouken Timing 27. Hadouken Polish 28. Idle Cycle Setup 29. Idle Cycle Polish 30. Base ball Pitch Key poses 31. Base ball Pitch In between 32. Base ball Pitch Timing 33. Base ball Pitch Camera Animation 34. Final Attack Planning Stage 35. Final Attack Posing 36. Final Attack Adjusting Timing 37. Final Attack Finishing Touches 38. Mash Quick Start 39. Mash Dynamics 40. Mash Sound and Nodes
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