Release date:2021
Author:Stan Prokopenko
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
We’re done having fun with butts. This lesson isn’t as stinky, though it’s close. We’ll study the inner leg muscles – the adductors and sartorius.
They’re in the upper inner part of the leg. The inguinal ligament separates them from the abs, ASIS to pubic symphysis. The long sartorius muscle separates the adductors from the quads diagonally. The border in the back is not as obvious. It fades away into fat and then suddenly it’s the hamstrings. Though in certain poses and mostly on athletic people, you might see where the adductor magnus pops out at the top. It can separate the form of the adductors from the hamstrings.
33. Feet
Foot Assignment 1 Foot Assignment 2 Foot Assignment 3[Proko] Anatomy Course – Legs (adductors, quads, hamstrings & calves) (fix).7z
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