Release date:2019
Author:Even Mehl Amundsen
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
My name is Even Mehl Amundsen and I am a freelancing concept artist from Norway and have worked for studios like Karakter, Ubisoft, Blizzard, Riot, Axis Animation, Blur, Guerilla Games, Wizards of the Coast, Volta Studios, and many more. Besides that, I have been working on my own world shown in TEGN. I travel a lot, teach in workshops, and love helping newcomers.
More than anything I like to develop characters and the universes they act in and this is also what I can offer to teach you. While we explore my world of TEGN I will explain to you my choices and my process so you can apply these to your own development and grow your skill or just have a good time!
I will shortly explain how we do that:
Every month we will work on a different topic from TEGN
While I explain my steps in live streams and posts you can tag along and ask questions
We discuss monthly assignments on my Discord server and I give feedback to some of you guys
You will also have access to the stream-archive, PSDs, narrated process videos, and other content, as described in the tiersMay Digital Painting Process_ Aerion Brightflame _ Game of Thrones Fan Art Digital Painting Process_ Azog _ LOTR _ Fan Art Digital Painting Process_ Dain Ironfoot _ LOTR _ Fan Art Digital Painting Process_ Galadriel _ LOTR _ Fan Art Digital Painting Process_ Gandalf _ LOTR _ Fan Art Digital Painting Process_ Humphrey Hardyng _ Game of Thrones Fan Art Digital Painting Process_ Imrahil _ LOTR _ Fan Art Digital Painting Process_ Orlauf _ TEGN _ Fantasy Art Digital Painting Process_ Ser Humfrey Beesbury _ Game of Thrones Fan Art Digital Painting Process_ Turin _ LOTR _ Fan Art Digital Painting Process_ Tussir _ Time Lapse Digital Painting Process_ Underfootling _ Time Lapse (1) Digital Painting Process_ Underfootling _ Time Lapse Digital Painting Process_ Valarr Targaryan _ Game of Thrones Fan Art May.7z The Fends Process Video
June A Well Deserved Pipe Doodle Blaznak Doodle Coogie Killer Doodle Delivery Doodle Digital Painting Process_ Deepwood Doodle _ Time Lapse Digital Painting Process_ Steely Pate _ Game of Thrones Fan Art Digital Painting Process_ The Ruby Rage _ Time Lapse Digital Painting Process_ Treebeard _ Lord of the Rings Fan Art Flower Wolf Doodle Friggon FLOWERS! Doodle June.7z Little Grower Doodle Mickey Doodle Wolf Doodle
July Digital Painting Process_ The Nuclear Priestess _ TEGN _ Fantasy Art Digital Painting Process_ Wings _ Time Lapse Digital Painting Process_ Witcher Hunter _ Fantasy Art Digital Painting Process_ Wolverine (Narrated) _ Fan Art _ Fantasy Art July.7z Morning Doodle New Blossoms Doodle Siggor Process Video Spring Leaf Doodle The Black Glass Doodle The Gossips Doodle The Guardian Doodle The Hunt process Video The Kitchen Doodle The Oaf Doodle The Scribe Doodle The Tunnels Doodle Who´s There! Doodle
August 4E8CA11B-F99B-401A-AA2A-A28AF75CC958 August.7z Digital Painting Process_ Gollum (Narrated) _ TEGN _ Fantasy Art
September 871636FE-136C-4FC3-9D0E-70171167B672 A6E725A4-80D6-4FB8-BC3E-0D08658D53E7 A75168F0-D245-4DCD-8970-4BB1CDB34D65 Digital Painting Process_ Fantasy Logo Design for TEGN (Narrated) Digital Painting Process_ Rengert _ TEGN _ Fantasy Art Oddwyr Process Video September.7z
October 720p Digital Painting Process_ Furiosa _ Fan Art _ Mad Max
November Digital Painting Process_ The Joker (Narrated) _ Fan Art _ Fantasy Art November.7z
December December.7z Digital Painting Process_ Dwarf Physician (Narrated) _ TEGN _ Fantasy Art
Digital Painting Process_ Gryim (Narrated) _ TEGN _ Fantasy Art
Digital Painting Process_ Haaral (Narrated) _ TEGN _ Fantasy Art
[Patreon] Even Mehl Amundsen Patreon pack 2019_Subtitles.7z
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