Release date:2021
Duration:06 h 00 m
Author:Himesh Anand
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
This tutorial covers all the processes and thinking strategies I use to create 2D Hardsurface Concepts/Designs.
It covers topics from “What brushes to use” to “How to draw and design”.
There are 6+ hours of content including Real-Time as well as Time-Lapse,
Plus Extra bonus content as well.01_Foundation 01_Brushes 02_Sketching 03_Colouring 04_Concept_Sketches
02_Designing 01_Design_Basics 02_Thought_Process
03_Human_Container 01_Lineart 02_Colour&Shading 03_Presentation
[Artstation] Hardsurface Designing In 2D Photoshop.7z [Artstation] Hardsurface Designing In 2D Photoshop_Subtitles.7z
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