Release date:2022
Author:Delores Naskrent
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
About This Class Hi and thanks for checking this class out!
In this class, Line-Art Heart Pattern Play, we’ll have more fun with Illustrator brushes. I will show you how to create a varied selection of brushes including scatter, calligraphy and art brushes. I walk you through each step, and you will learn to create these for yourself. The starting point is so easy you won’t believe it!
Having basic knowledge of Illustrator is an asset, but not required, as these may be tools you have never tried and can now learn in depth. Part of this skillset is learning about options for customizing brushes in real-world situations. I will clearly explain all the steps as we proceed.
Once your brushes are ready, you will create some unique motifs. Using the brushes and understanding how to control them when pattern–making is an important skill. Learning what to look for and how it’s done is critical for you in your graphic design or surface pattern design career. It’s easy to make a pattern, but to make a unique, original, interesting and well-designed pattern is what will set you apart! Observe my methods and you will learn plenty and get a full grasp of how a designer works! And the neat thing is, you will have a sweet pattern at the end that you can use for a pattern collection or for any number of cool projects.
01. Intro Line Art Heart Pattern Play 02. Creating and Customizing Brushes 03. Adjusting Brushes to Draw Hearts 04. Brush Adjusting and Design Pre-Planning 05. Layout Ideas and Demo 06. Enriching and Fine Tuning Your Pattern 07. Enhancing the Layout 08. Finalizing, Mockups and Wrap Up [Skillshare] Line-Art Heart Pattern Play – Brushes and Layout Repeat Patterns in Illustrator by Delores Naskrent_Subtitles.7z
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