在这个信息化时代,Android应用不断演进,开发者面临的挑战也越来越复杂。为了应对这些复杂性,掌握多模块架构与清晰架构变得愈发重要。本篇文章将深入探讨如何在Android项目中实施这些架构,特别是针对课程“精通多模块与清晰架构在Android中的应用”的内容进行详细解读。该课程时长近20小时,内容涵盖从基础知识到高级实施技术,帮助开发者构建可扩展、可维护和可测试的应用程序。Mastering Multi-Modular & Clean Architecture In Android



MP4 | Video: h264, 1920×1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 14.47 GB | Duration: 19h 52m


  • 创建和组织buildSrc模块
  • 管理构建配置:BuildConfig、PluginsConfig、ReleaseConfig
  • 处理构建类型、风味类型和应用维度
  • 确保签名配置的安全性并管理凭证
  • 实现模块间的共享依赖
  • 创建和管理共享库Gradle插件
  • 实施代码质量工具:KTLint、Spotless、Detekt
  • 添加和组织功能模块
  • 在功能模块及整个应用中结构化依赖关系



  1. 提高可维护性:通过将代码分成多个模块,开发者可以专注于各自的模块,使得项目的维护变得轻松。
  2. 增强可测试性:模块化使得每个模块可以独立进行单元测试,确保更高的代码质量。
  3. 加速开发流程:团队成员可以同时在不同的模块上工作,提高开发效率。

1. 构建Src模块与构建配置管理



2. 处理构建类型与风味维度




1. 设置Dagger-Hilt


2. 配置网络组件

现代应用通常涉及与后端服务器进行网络通信,因此掌握网络组件的配置至关重要。课程中将详细讲解如何使用Retrofit和OkHttp进行网络请求,包括实现自定义请求头、SSL管理、证书固定(certificate pinning)等高级技术。




随着应用的复杂度增加,数据的管理也变得至关重要。课程中将探讨如何使用DataStore进行数据管理与序列化,特别是Kotlin序列化和Proto DataStore的结合使用。

1. 管理应用设置与会话管理



在现代Android开发中,UI的构建也越来越重要。学员将学习如何使用Jetpack Compose创建动态登录界面,并有效管理UI状态和验证逻辑。
 “精通多模块与清晰架构在Android中的应用”是一门全面的课程,它不仅涉及多模块架构和清晰架构的基础知识,还深入探讨了高阶实践。这些技能将使开发者能够构建复杂的Android应用程序,提升开发效率与代码质量。随着Android平台的不断发展,掌握这些先进技术将确保你在开发人员中的竞争力。 现在便开始你的学习之旅吧,与时俱进,掌握Android开发的未来!


Section 1: Start with Advanced Build Source architecture

Lecture 1 Lect-6 – Start Adding BuildSrc Module

Lecture 2 Lect-7 – Adding BuildConfi, PluginsConfig and ReleaseConfig

Lecture 3 Lect-8 – Adding Build Dependencies

Lecture 4 Lect-9 – Adding Build Test Dependencies

Section 2: Adding Different Build Types, Flavour Types and App Dimentions

Lecture 5 Lect-10 – Adding Build Types,Flavour Types and App Dimentions

Lecture 6 Lect-11 – Add configuration in build gradle of build src

Lecture 7 Lect-12 – Adding Implementation of Sealed Class of Build Types

Lecture 8 Lect – 13- Override Build Types in Application Build Gradle

Lecture 9 Lect -14 – Add App Dimentions and Flavors

Lecture 10 Lect -15 – Add Google, Huawei, Client and Driver Flavors

Lecture 11 Lect-16 – Adding Directory for Each Build Type

Lecture 12 Lect-17 – Start Adding Signing configuration

Lecture 13 Lect-18- implementation of Rlease, ReleaseExternalQa and Debug Siging

Lecture 14 Lect -19 – Adding a Credentials File for Secure Storage of Sensitive Information

Lecture 15 Lect-20- Update Signing Configs with the Data From Local Credentials File

Lecture 16 Lect-21- Test Siging Config

Lecture 17 Lect-22- Refactor Build Creator

Lecture 18 Lect-23- How to Add Build Parameters to Build Configuration

Lecture 19 Lect-24- Test adding Build Parameters to Build Configurations

Lecture 20 Lect-25- Re-Organise Build Src Module

Section 3: Adding Features Module

Lecture 21 Lect-26- Add Features Module

Lecture 22 Lect-27- Add More Dependencies, Room, Hilt, Retrofit and Okhttp

Lecture 23 Lect-28- Changes on Whole App Build Gradle Files

Lecture 24 Lect-29- Make Dependencies Shared Over Modules

Lecture 25 Lect-30- Add Dependencies in Feature Module and App, one Time

Lecture 26 Lect-31- Test Dependencies In App Level and Login Feature Module Level

Section 4: Unlocking the Power of Custom Plugins: Beyond the Basics

Lecture 27 Lect-32- Create Shared Library Gradle Plugin

Lecture 28 Lect-33- Continue Creating Shared Library Gradle Plugin

Lecture 29 Lect-34- Test Shared Library Gradle Plugin

Lecture 30 Lect-35- Add Build Types to Shared Library Gradle Plugin

Lecture 31 Lect-36-Add Koltin Lint Plugin (KTLINT) to App Level

Lecture 32 Lect-37-Continue Add Koltin Lint Plugin (KTLINT) to Modules Level

Lecture 33 Lect-38- Add Spotless and Prettier Plugins

Lecture 34 Lect-39-Continue-Add Spotless and Prettier Plugins

Lecture 35 Lect-40- Add Detekt Plugin: Static Code Analysis Tool

Lecture 36 Lect-41- Detek How to Suppress Legacy Code

Lecture 37 Lect-42- Detekt Reports for App and Modules

Lecture 38 Lect-43- Separate Detekt Reports for App and Modules

Lecture 39 Lect-44-Updating-Build-Versions-with-Ease

Lecture 40 Lect-45- Generate Updating Build Versions Report

Lecture 41 Lect-46-Integrate-with-Dokka-Plugin-for-Code-Documentaion

Lecture 42 Lect-47- Run-Dokka-Plugin-for-Code-Documentaion

Lecture 43 Lect-48-Separating Dokka Reports for App and Modules

Section 5: Tuning Modules Configurations

Lecture 44 Lect – 49 – Add Core Module with Data, Domain and Presemtation Modules

Lecture 45 Lect-50- Configure Plugins and Dependency Provider with Core Modules

Lecture 46 Lect-51- Kickoff Hilt Dependency Injection Setup

Section 6: Core Network Integration in Clean Architecture and Multi-Modular Design

Lecture 47 Lect-52- Implementing Custom Request Headers with OkHttp Interceptors

Lecture 48 Lect-53- Intercept Http Request

Lecture 49 Lect-54- Dependency Injection and Networking: Configuring OkHttp with Hilt

Lecture 50 Lect -55- Integrating and Configuring Http Logging Interceptor

Lecture 51 Lect -56- Building an OkHttp Client with Dagger-Hilt

Lecture 52 Lect-57- Add More Dependencies in Network Module

Lecture 53 Lect-58- Designing an OkHttpClient Provider Interface for Flexible Networking

Lecture 54 Lect-59- Handling SSL and Dispatcher in a Debug OkHttpClient Provider

Lecture 55 Lect-60- Securing Network Requests with Certificate Pinning in OkHttpClient

Lecture 56 Lect-61- Update Http Factory and Network Module with Custome Http Clinets

Lecture 57 Lect-62- Adding Config Module

Lecture 58 Lect-63- Adding Interceptors Module

Lecture 59 Lect -64- Injecting Retrofit in the Network Module with Dagger-Hilt

Lecture 60 Lect -65- Service Factories with Retrofit, Streamlining API Interface Creation

Section 7: Core vs. Login Module: Networking Integration

Lecture 61 Lect -66- Networt Architecture to Login Module: Handling Responses and Requests

Lecture 62 Lect -67- Adding Retrofit Service Interface to Login Module

Lecture 63 Lect -68- Adding Network Module for Login Data Module

Section 8: Developing Core Network Module Components

Lecture 64 Lect-69- Implementing Network Connectivity Monitoring

Lecture 65 Lect -70- Building a Network Data Source with Service and Monitoring

Lecture 66 Lect -71- Defining Error Handling Models with Data Classes

Lecture 67 Lect -72- Building a Flexible Result Wrapper with Success and Error States

Lecture 68 Lect -73- Continue Updating Result Class

Lecture 69 Lect -74- Result Patterns, Mapping, Merging, and Handling Complex Scenarios

Lecture 70 Lect -75- Creating DataSource Interface of HTTP Codes for Network Responses

Lecture 71 Lect -76- Dynamic Response Processing with performRequest in Network Data Source

Lecture 72 Lect -77- Effective Error Handling: Mapping ErrorResponse to Domain Models

Lecture 73 Lect -78- Adding performRequest implementation

Lecture 74 Lect -79- Continue Adding performRequest implementation

Section 9: Module Network Implementation: Remote Implementer, Domain and more

Lecture 75 Lect -80- Implementing Remote Login with Data and Domain Layers

Lecture 76 Lect-81- Adding Network Data Sources in Login Module Using Dependency Injection

Lecture 77 Lect -82- Add Implementation of Remote Implementer

Lecture 78 Lect -83- Add Login Mapper

Lecture 79 Lect -84- Managing Coroutine Execution with Custom Dispatchers

Lecture 80 Lect -85- Verifying App Stability Through a Test Run

Section 10: Mastering Data Persistence with DataStore Module

Lecture 81 Lect -86- Adding Kotlin Serialization and DataStore Dependencies

Lecture 82 Lect -87- Adding Module for Data Store

Lecture 83 Lect -88- Adding AppSettings Data Store class and Use PersistentList for Data

Lecture 84 Lect – 89 – Implementing Custom Serializer for App Settings in Kotlin

Lecture 85 Lect -90- Handle Serialzer Function for App Settings

Lecture 86 Lect -91- Test Data Store Implementation in Real Example

Lecture 87 Lect -92- Adding UI Implementation for Testing

Lecture 88 Lect -93- Running UI Implementation and Fix Issues

Section 11: Advanced DataStore Integration Using Protocol Buffers For Type Safety

Lecture 89 Lect -94- Preferences DataStore Vs Proto DataStore

Lecture 90 Lect -95- Add Proto Buf DataStore Dependencies, Adding Proto DataStore Module

Lecture 91 Lect -96- Modify Gradle for Proto DatsStore Module

Lecture 92 Lect -97- Create Protocol Buffers (Proto) schema for Session and App Preferences

Lecture 93 Lect -98- Create Session Serializer

Lecture 94 Lect -99- Create App Preferences Serializer

Lecture 95 Lect -100- Configuring DataStore with Protocol Buffers and Custom Serializers

Lecture 96 Lect -101- Create Preferences DataStore Manager

Lecture 97 Lect -102- Create Preferences DataStore Manager Implementer

Lecture 98 Lect -103- Create Session DataStore Manager

Lecture 99 Lect -104- Create Session DataStore Manager Implementer

Lecture 100 Lect -105- Dagger-Hilt and DataStore Integration for Preferences and Sessions

Lecture 101 Lect -106- Test Proto DataStore Implementation

Lecture 102 Lect -107- Update App with Session and Preferences DataStore Managers

Section 12: Mastering Interceptor Patterns for Advanced Networking

Lecture 103 Lect -108- Simplifying Network Debugging with Chucker for HTTP(S) Inspection

Lecture 104 Lect -109- Implementing Chucker Interceptor

Lecture 105 Lect -110- Implement Session Service for Token Management and Logout Operations

Lecture 106 Lect -111- Develop Authentication Interceptor with Token Refresh and Mutex Synch

Lecture 107 Lect – 112- Handle Unauthorized Tokens and Retry Requests with Mutex-Protected

Lecture 108 Lect -113- Provide an Authenticator Interceptor with Dependency Injection

Lecture 109 Lect -114- Update Header Interceptor After using Authentication Interceptor

Lecture 110 Lect -115- Implementing a Connectivity Interceptor

Section 13: Domain Layer: Core Business Logic and Use Cases

Lecture 111 Lect -116- Update Error Response Mapper and Model

Lecture 112 Lect -117- Handling Asynchronous Operations with AsyncUseCase

Lecture 113 Lect -118- Implementing LoginUseCase for User Authentication

Section 14: Presentation Layer: Handling State, Error Handling, Inputs, Outputs, Validation

Lecture 114 Lect -119- Implementing Login Activity and Login View Screen

Lecture 115 Lect-120- Update Dependencies with Compose

Lecture 116 Lect -121- Implementing a Login Screen with Jetpack Compose

Lecture 117 Lect -122- Test Login Screen Implementation

Lecture 118 Lect -123- Implementing Error Handling for Login Validation

Lecture 119 Lect -124- Structuring Login Flow with Input and Output Sealed Classes

Lecture 120 Lect -125- Handling Login State and Validation with LoginViewState

Lecture 121 Lect -126- Developing Login Validation Rules with LoginValidator

Lecture 122 Lect -127- Managing Login Inputs and State with ViewModel

Lecture 123 Lect -128- Handling Login State Changes and Validation

Lecture 124 Lect -129- Integrating ViewModel and Compose for Login Screen

Lecture 125 Lect -130- Reacting to State Changes: Collecting ViewModel Outputs

Lecture 126 Lect -131- Executing Login Use Case

Lecture 127 Lect -132- Adding Gson Converter Factory and Make App Updates

Lecture 128 Lect -133- Creating Mock API for Login API

Lecture 129 Lect -134- Test Login Implementation

Section 15: Presentation Layer: Advanced State Management in Compose: Using StateRenderer

Lecture 130 Lect -135- Demo for Popup Loading State with Popup Error State with Retry Option

Lecture 131 Lect -136- Demo for Full Loading State with Full Error State with Retry Option

Lecture 132 Lect -137- Demo for Empty State

Lecture 133 Lect -138- Setup Gradle of Core Presentation Module

Lecture 134 Lect -139- Unified UI States Content, Loading, Error, and Success-States

Lecture 135 Lect -140 -Implementation of Content, Loading, Error, and Success States

Lecture 136 Lect -141- Composable UI State Handlers for State Renderer

Lecture 137 Lect -142- Rendering Complex UI States

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