Unity资产商店素材资源 –Core GameKit v3.2.9.2 大小解压后:3.85M

借助Core GameKit显著加快新3D或2D游戏的上市时间!我们已经为你的大部分基地提供了完整的聚集和战斗系统,拾取支持(硬币/健康包等)。)、玩家(和敌人)属性修改、敌人波动设置和关卡设计工具,包含您需要的所有选项!所有这些都在几分钟内完成,无需编码!


灵活-使用任何世界变量的值为任何核心游戏包检查领域(一个la Playmaker)!

*无编码-支持所有Unity UGUI事件!







– Bolt可视化脚本

核心GameKit在Unity 2018.3+上工作,免费,专业!

:: Pooling – Full object pool system included to avoid Instantiate and Destroy calls! Supports Addressables and temporary pool items now!

:: Flexible – Use the value of any World Variable for any Core GameKit Inspector field (a la Playmaker)!

:: No coding – Support for all Unity UGUI events!

:: Events – Support for Unity 2D collisions and triggers!

:: Global waves – each can trigger any number of spawners. Speed up level design massively!

:: Triggered Spawners – these spawn when certain events occur, like a trigger, becoming visible, etc. Can contain nested child spawners!

:: Prefab Pools – these allow you to set up probability of prefabs coming from spawners. Item A should appear 5 times as often as Item B.

:: Killable – this Swiss army knife script gives you hit points, attack points, a full combat system, filters for fine hit detection control, prefab replacement and manipulates World Variables. Can also be used for pickup items such as coins or health packs!

:: World Variables – set up any number of World Variables like score and health. Have Killables change them when you destroy enemies, pick up health packs, etc. You can also set up waves to repeat until World Variables reach a certain value and a lot more!

Third Party Integrations:
– Playmaker
– Behavior Designer
– Bolt Visual Scripting
– NodeCanvas
– ICode (was AI For Mechanim)
– Dialogue System

Core GameKit works on Unity 2018.3+, free and pro!

云桥网络 为三维动画制作,游戏开发员、影视特效师等CG艺术家提供视频教程素材资源!

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