NOTE! This was a one year personal project. Don´t expect butter smooth frame rates or huge levels. There is no colliders or gameplay mechanics implemented into the scene. What you get is all the textures in hi-res, models like cars, props, trees, different type of foliage etc.. If scenes are appearing white then do the following: Go to the PostProcessVolume -> Auto Exposure.

注意!请勿期待有更好的顺畅帧率或者更高的升级。这个版本的场景里没有碰撞效果或者游戏力学机制。你能得到的是高像素的材质,比如模型像汽车、树、柱子、多种样式的植物。如果场景显示过白可以如下操作:找到 后期处理卷 -> 自动曝光 (PostProcessVolume -> Auto Exposure )。

Change Method to Auto Exposure Basic

把方案(method)设置为 基础自动曝光(Auto Exposure Basic)

Min Brightness 最小亮度: 0.6

Max Brightness 最大亮度: 2.0

Speed Up 加速: 3.0

Speed Down 降速: 1.0

Exposure Bias 曝光偏差:0.0

Histogram Log Min 最小柱状图日记:-8.0

Histogram Log Max 最大柱状图日记: 2.0
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3、分卷压缩包资源 需全部下载后解压第一个压缩包即可,下载过程不要强制中断 建议用winrar解压或360解压缩软件解压!