使用Python的软件工程部分:在这40小时的部分中,我们将从学习Python的基础开始,比如变量、字符串、布尔、列表、元组、字典、生成器等等,以及学习编写第一个服务测试。此外,您将学习用Python发送请求,并理解如何修改权限。您还将能够探索Docker和SQL,并学习设置一个本地PostgreSQL服务器。您将学习如何使用查询结果创建表。Software Engineering With Python Master Class
在本课程中,您将学习如何将数据库集成到您的应用程序中,并使用Python创建数据库模型。将向您介绍Redis并学习数据压缩。您还将了解如何设置GitHub桌面,以及如何克隆一个存储库和GitHub CLI。您将通过了解Python中的线程、多处理池和异步等待语句来结束本课程。本课程结束时,您将成为使用Python开发专业应用程序的专家,拥有坚实的投资组合,并准备好申请软件工程师职位和通过技术面试,开始您的高薪终身职业生涯,成为具有最高技能水平的Python编程软件工程师。
由Dane Miller创作
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz,2声道
类型:电子教学|语言:英语|时长:212节课(44小时21分钟)|大小:19.5 GB
Learn and completely Master Software Engineering With Python
What you’ll learn
Learn and completely Master Software Engineering With Python
Learn and completely master Python Programming
Learn and completely master SQL
Become a Professional, Expert Software Engineer With Python
Learn every Aspect and Facet of Software Engineering with Python
Learn Everything about Github
None. Everything is included in this course, from the basics to the Very Highly Advanced Levels.
With this complete hands-on course, you will become an Expert Software Engineer with Python At The Highest Skill Level even with no prior programming experience.Software Engineering With Python Section:In this 40-hour section, we will start by learning the basics of Python such as variables, strings, Booleans, lists, tuples, dictionaries, generators, and so on as well as learning to write the first service test. Furthermore, you will learn to send requests in Python and understand how to modify permissions. You will also be able to explore Docker and SQL and learn to set up a local PostgreSQL Server. You will learn how to create tables using query results.Moving further in the course, you will learn to integrate databases into your application and create database models in Python. You will be introduced to Redis and learn data compression. You will also get to know how to set up a GitHub desktop, and clone a repository as well as GitHub CLI. You will wrap up the course by having a look at threading in Python, multiprocessing pool, and async wait statements.By the end of this course, you will be an Expert in developing Professional Applications with Python, have a solid portfolio, and be ready to apply for Software Engineer positions and ACE those technical interviews and start your HIGHLY Paid Lifetime Career As a Software Engineer With Python Programming At The Highest Skill Level.
Who this course is for
Anyone serious about learning and completely mastering Software Engineering With Python
Anyone wanting to Completely Learn and Master SQL.
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