Release date:2022, October
Duration:14 h 34 m Team
Skill level:Intermediate
Exercise files:Yes
Are you looking to level up your game development skills and take your projects to the next level? Do you enjoy games like XCOM2 or Final Fantasy Tactics? If so, this course is for you!
In this course, you’ll go from beginner to advanced and learn how to manage and organize a complex project. You’ll create a custom Grid System and dive into advanced programming concepts, such as C# generics, C# events, and custom structs, along with A* Pathfinding.
Even if you’re not interested in turn-based strategy games, the skills you’ll learn are transferable to other types of games. You’ll create turn-based gameplay with multiple units, implement grid-based movement and logic, and add enemy AI. Throughout the course, you’ll be writing clean, reusable, and easily extendable code.
You’ll need to be familiar with the Unity editor and have a basic to intermediate knowledge of C#. If you’ve taken any of our Unity courses or equivalent, you’ll be good to go.
With a single one-off fee, you’ll get full lifetime access to the course. The creators are qualified and experienced coders who can explain complex concepts clearly and entertain along the way. You’ll also have access to the Q&A forums where instructors, teaching assistants, and the community can help answer your questions and support your success.
Are you ready to create your own turn-based strategy game? Join the course now!
This course is designed for:
Those who want to take their skills from beginner to advanced in game development. Those who want to improve their coding skills and elevate their projects to the next level. Those who are interested in creating a turn-based strategy game.01_Promo 02_Welcome To The Course 03_Community & Support 04_Set Up Unity & VS Code 06_Reminder Of C# Fundamentals 07_Accessing Our Projects 08_Project Setup 09_Render Pipeline and Assets 10_Post Processing
02 Unit Movement and Selection01_Intro – Unit Movement and Selection 02_Unit Base Setup 03_Unit Move 04_Mouse Raycast 05_Mouse World Position 06_Public vs SerializeField Private 07_Unit Click to Move 08_Unit Animations Setup 09_Unit Animator 10_Unit Animator Parameters 11_Unit Rotate when Moving 12_Unit Selection 13_Unit Selected Visual, Events 14_Unit Selected Visual, Singleton
03 Grid System & Camera01_Intro – Grid System and Camera 02_Grid System Design 03_Grid System 04_Grid Object 05_Grid Object Debug 06_Level Grid 07_Cinemachine 08_Camera Move and Rotate 09_Camera Zoom
04 Actions & UI01_Intro – Actions and UI 02_Move Action 03_Move Action Validate 04_Grid Visual 05_Base Action Class 06_Single Active Action 07_UI Setup 08_Unit Action System UI 09_Click UI to Select Action 10_Generic Take Action 11_Selected Action UI Visual 12_Action Busy UI 13_Action Points 14_Turn System
05 Enemies & Combat01_Intro – Enemies and Combat 02_Enemy 03_Shoot Action 04_Unit Animator 05_Shooting Bullet Visual 06_Health System 07_Ragdoll 08_Unit World UI 09_Action Camera 10_Grid Visual Colors 11_Enemy AI Basic 12_Enemy AI Complex
06 Pathfinding01_Intro – Pathfinding 02_C# Generics 03_Grid System Generics 04_Pathfinding Overview 05_Pathfinding Script 06_Pathfinding Implementation 07_Pathfinding Obstacles 08_Level Design 09_Unit Move with Pathfinding
07 Polish01_Intro – Hex Grid System 02_Screen Shake 03_Grenade Action 04_Grenade Visuals 05_Destructible Crate 06_Destructible Crate Parts 07_Sword Action 08_Interact Action 09_Interface IInteractable 10_Input Refactoring 11_Input System 12_Input System 13_Congratulations What’s Next
08 Bonus Hex Grid System01_Intro – Hex Grid System 02_Hex Grid System Design 03_Hex Grid System Implementation 04_World Position to Grid Position 05_Hex Grid Pathfinding
[Unity] Turn-Based Strategy Game Intermediate C Coding.7z.rar [Unity] Turn-Based Strategy Game Intermediate C Coding_Subtitles.7z
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