软件开发商Chaos Group宣布推出适用于Autodesk 3ds Max 2023的V-Ray 5 Update 2.4 (5.20.24)是一款经过生产验证的渲染软件。它以其多功能性和处理任何类型项目的能力而闻名,从具有数千盏灯的大型动态场景到壮观的静物,它是3D行业艺术家和设计师的首选解决方案。
适用于Autodesk 3ds Max | 3.9 Gb的Chaos Group V-Ray 5更新2.4 (5.20.24) 破解版 大小解压后共:3.9G
Chaos Group为3ds Max发布了V-Ray 5,将其屡获殊荣的渲染器连接到可视化过程的更多部分。艺术家和设计师现在可以在不离开程序的情况下合成渲染,增强材料和交互式重新照亮图像,将V-Ray的功能扩展到新的领域。
V-Ray 5的两个最令人兴奋的新增功能——层合成和灯光混合——可以在新的V-Ray帧缓冲区(VFB)中找到,该缓冲区也经过了重新设计,以提高效率并保持更整洁的外观。
V-Ray 5增加了七项针对材料的功能和改进,包括一个新的管理系统和500多种现成材料,旨在覆盖大多数对象和空间。新的内置预设可以帮助拨入金属、玻璃和塑料等日常选项,以及常见的头发颜色,帮助艺术家更快地实现照片真实感。
使用V-Ray 5的新随机化工具,艺术家可以在他们的材料中添加细微的变化,增加场景的可信度。VRayMultiSubTex颜色现在可以通过色调、饱和度和伽玛进行移动,而新的VRayUVWRandomizer贴图将调整纹理和程序材质的偏移、旋转和比例。对于重复的纹理贴图,艺术家现在有随机纹理平铺,它会自动移除平铺伪像。
V-Ray 5,update 2包含多种功能,可帮助您专注于设计并提高工作效率。使用新的V-Ray贴花可以快速将材质放置在曲面和其他材质上的任何位置,而无需额外的UVW贴图工作。V-Ray 5的新VFB通过新的锐化和模糊层以及批量图像处理变得更加强大。材料现在可以很容易地从混沌宇宙分配,有200个新材料开始。VRayInstancer现在可以使用光源,展现了新的创意照明可能性。还有更多..
Chaos Group是计算机图形技术领域的全球领导者,帮助艺术家和设计师为设计、电视和故事片创作真实的图像和动画。Chaos Group专注于全球顶级设计工作室、建筑公司、广告公司和视觉效果公司日常使用的基于物理的渲染和模拟软件。如今,该公司在云渲染、材料扫描和虚拟现实方面的研发正在塑造创意故事和数字设计的未来。混沌集团成立于1997年,是私营企业,在索非亚、洛杉矶、巴尔的摩、首尔和东京设有办事处。
产品:Chaos Group V-Ray 5
版本:Autodesk 3ds Max的更新2.4 (5.20.24)
系统要求:Windows *
大小:3.9 Gb
The software developer Chaos Group announced the launch of V-Ray 5 Update 2.4 (5.20.24) for Autodesk 3ds Max 2023 is a production-proven rendering software. Known for its versatility and ability to handle any type of project — from massive, dynamic scenes having thousands of lights to a sublime still life — it is the go-to solution for artists and designers across 3D industries.
Chaos Group released V-Ray 5 for 3ds Max, connecting its award-winning renderer to more parts of the visualization process. Artists and designers can now composite renders, enhance materials and interactively relight images without leaving the program, extending V-Ray’s capabilities into new realms.
Two of V-Ray 5’s most exciting additions – Layer Compositing and Light Mix – can be found in the new V-Ray Frame Buffer (VFB), which was also redesigned for efficiency and a cleaner look.
With Light Mix, artists can interactively explore different lighting scenarios without having to re-render an image. Users can now adjust the color and intensity of any light source right away, ensuring faster iterations when designing looks and moods.
The Layer Compositor offers a faster path to final images, helping users post-process shots in the new VFB without outside applications. Using this non-destructive workflow, artists can adjust different render elements and perform color corrections with ease.
V-Ray 5 adds seven features and improvements tailored to materials, including a new management system and over 500 readymade materials designed to cover most objects and spaces. New built-in presets can help dial-in everyday options like metal, glass and plastic, as well as common hair colors, helping artists achieve photorealism much faster.
With V-Ray 5’s new randomization tools, artists can add slight variations to their materials, increasing believability across a scene. VRayMultiSubTex colors can now be shifted by hue, saturation and gamma, while a new VRayUVWRandomizer map will adjust the offset, rotation and scale of both textures and procedural materials. For repeating texture maps, artists now have Stochastic Texture Tiling, which automatically removes tiling artifacts.
V-Ray 5, update 2 is packed with features to help you focus on your designs and increase your productivity. Use the new V-Ray Decal to rapidly place materials anywhere on surfaces and other materials without additional UVW mapping work. V-Ray 5’s new VFB gets even more capable with a new Sharpen & Blur layer and Batch Image processing. Materials can now be easily assigned from Chaos Cosmos, with 200 new materials to start. New creative lighting possibilities unfold as light sources can now be used within the VRayInstancer. And much more..
Chaos Group is a worldwide leader in computer graphics technology, helping artists and designers create photoreal imagery and animation for design, television, and feature films. Chaos Group specializes in physically-based rendering and simulation software used daily by top design studios, architectural firms, advertising agencies, and visual effects companies around the globe. Today, the company’s research and development in cloud rendering, material scanning, and virtual reality is shaping the future of creative storytelling and digital design. Founded in 1997, Chaos Group is privately owned with offices in Sofia, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Seoul, and Tokyo.
Product: Chaos Group V-Ray 5
Version: Update 2.4 (5.20.24) for Autodesk 3ds Max
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.chaosgroup.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 3.9 Gb
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